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11 <br />improvements to make in that existing structure in the time that would remain before <br />there is the site selection and the actual development of'a new facility, As the task <br />force may recall, your initial mission was to examine issues relating to governance <br />and management and once that particular piece of work had been completed, to be <br />able to move forward and look at the place in which the operation could be better <br />housed for the future, and that would be a relocated animal shelter. <br />Anyone else? <br />Mr, Textoris: I do have one other question if I may? Can you bring us up-to-date on <br />the hiring of a new director for the shelter? I know that the search has been going on. <br />I was wondering how close you are or have you chosen someone? <br />Gwen: I heard good news tonight from APS interim executive director, Susie Cook.. <br />She may wish to comment on that. Also Jolm Link, our county manager has served <br />on that selection committee as well. <br />John Link: Well, we have gone through, I think, a very rigorous process of <br />examining the final candidates and I know that references were being checked, I'm <br />not sure if that has been completed.. If Susie has more information on that, that <br />would be good to share. <br />Susie Coolc: Yes, I'm sorry John that this information didn't get to you yet but the <br />hiring committee has extended an offer/APS has extended an offer to our select <br />candidate, and he has accepted and will start work April 19`h, His name is .Joe <br />Posinella, He has .34 years of experience in shelter experience in shelter <br />management and operations and comes to us from a shelter in Pennsylvania outside <br />of Philadelphia. So we are very excited.. <br />John Link: He had all of the answers to our ques5ons <br />Susie Cook: Yes, he did. <br />Jolm Lirrk: Well, congratulations <br />Mr. Textoris: I'm sorry, I do have another question along these lines. Susie, .John <br />Link or whoever here, the contract extended to this person would it be through .Tune <br />30 of this year or would it be with the shelter for the next year or two, in other words, <br />regardless of who is overseeing the shelter? <br />Susie Cook: I will let .Iolm answer that. <br />lolm Link: He will come in as an employee of APS and depending on what <br />decisions that are made as to the operation of the shelter after July 151. All employees <br />including the director would be, assuming it's an option whereby the county assumes <br />responsibility of administration, all employees including the director would be <br />