Orange County NC Website
to tonight's public hearing with three initial draft maps /plans. Those three initial draft <br />maps /plans are attached. A sample of the public hearing notice that appeared in three local <br />newspapers is also attached. After this public hearing, staff will provide any analysis requested <br />by the Board for additional BOCC discussion. <br />In response to BOCC requests for additional information, staff has provided two other <br />attachments. The first attachment is a summary of the draft district election plans potential <br />impacts on current members of the board of commissioners. The second is a letter and <br />attachments from County Attorney Geof Gledhill on the issues that may arise with district <br />elections related to redistricting. <br />Lastly, in response to a question from the October 17, 2005 work session regarding statistics on <br />the number of commissioner seats for the 100 North Carolina counties, the totals based on <br />information from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners are as follows: <br />4 Counties — Three Commissioner Seats <br />61 Counties — Five Commissioner Seats <br />3 Counties — Six Commissioner Seats <br />27 Counties — Seven Commissioner Seats <br />1 County — Eight Commissioner Seats <br />3 Counties — Nine Commissioner Seats <br />1 County — Eleven Commissioner Seats <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with conducting the public <br />hearing and additional review and discussion of initial draft maps /plans and other associated <br />materials related to possible District Elections for the Board of Commissioners <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board conduct a public hearing <br />on the initial draft maps /plans related to Possible District Elections for the Board of <br />Commissioners; continue the Board's review of the draft maps /plans and other associated <br />materials related to possible District Elections for the Board of Commissioners; and provide <br />comments, questions and any further direction to staff as appropriate. <br />