Orange County NC Website
H657 [SL 1995 -30] http:/hvww.nega.state, <br />/S <br />reads as rewritten: <br />"Sec. 6. The provisions of G.S. - 115- 24- 115C_37_(_f) shall be applicable to <br />the members of the Chatham County Board of Education. The -- persons <br />elected -- shall- - qualify- by- takinb the - oath -o€ office 30 -- -days -- after-- the - election. <br />The members of the Chatha>n County Board of Education shall bold a <br />meeting--m-the-first-Monday _in December following the election_At that <br />meetng� newly elected members of the Board of Education shall qualify by_ <br />taking the oath of office as _prescribed in Article VI, Section 7 of the, <br />Constitution." <br />Sec, 5. This act is effective upon ratification, <br />In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 11th <br />day of May, 1995. <br />Dennis A. Wicker <br />President of the Senate <br />Harold J. Brubaker <br />Speaker of the House of Representatives <br />4 of 4 10/26/2005 10:23 A <br />