Orange County NC Website
1657 [SL <br />4 strict boundaries. <br />'Reside candidates ates-resUe <br />district in which thec dtcL <br />t r <br />and represent the His ri t but the candidates are voted on in the nrirnqrii-,z and <br />general elections -hy-ihe- qualified —voters --Q-f-tb(-�- entire countv. It includes <br />districts establi bed either 4y -1a der A, <br />-Joca --- act un (3) <br />(4) if county is residc di s -tC c tsI <br />Q --- board of <br />commissioners njay f - <br />indas.-a-fact whether thereis substantial i uality <br />neq. ---of <br />--ainiong- the -districts. If the � Ends that there is substantial <br />- <br />inequality—of—population amorigibe lution redefine the <br />residency districts to make them more -mmrly tes fo orn ce <br />-equal The- --U-rc- -p,tian- <br />with sjg�ctiaij <br />this is a L <br />Qduci <br />tLQu-in the relative overall range --of-deviation. <br />(c <br />No change in the boundaries of a -res-tdQnc ydistri <br />ctmay t the unexpired_ -term -oL off -cQ--of-a-- commissioner - residing -ln-- the -district -and <br />serving -orL- the --board --Q-n- the -effective date of the resolution.-If the terms Q -- --m— of <br />office of nie�nftrs of- the board do-not --- all expire_atthe same time, the <br />resolution <br />to be filled at the initial election held <br />1995-801 <br /> us"Sessions/1 995/Bills/Hou <br />under the resolution. <br />,((I) Are <br />resolution op pursuant to this section shall be the of <br />doQfing-pe�rsons to the board of commissioners at the first general etQ(ztim for <br />members of the, board of corrunissioners occurring after the resolution's <br />effective date, and thereafter. Before any resolution maybe dQpted pursuam t <br />to this <br />-sectjorthe- board -of - commissioners --shall hold a public -hearing -on-i-t. <br />AWtice <br />of the_publc hearing shall be gi_v_en once a week for two successive <br />i <br />weeks in a newspaper <br />having -generaLdrculation in thesQuaty. 'L e notice <br />I h-- - i- <br />shall-biQ-publishe-d-for the fist time not less -than -DO-day-an-ar more than 20 <br />days before the date fixed for hearing. In computing-the-p in e <br />- uiod la: L tii i-. th e <br />day-of -publication-shall included t the ehea n hall <br />_nQtbeJ --Iiu-- -ofth hearing -Ae <br />included = A resolution becomes effective upon - its ado Q- , -nntes it <br />is <br />adopted -during -the -period 4eginninga5-G- days -before <br />-- he day of primary <br />an e ndirg-mtte-day—of <br />the next-s-ucceeding-gQnQLaL-QI!Q-QtiQa-for <br />niernbership--o�rL the -board --of---jcommissioners, in which case it becomes <br />- <br />effective ft first day _after t <br />--QrL -f-- --after�-Qndof me period. <br />- <br />W Not --Later -than LI�Lday-s-af-tLer- the -day -Qn-which a resolution becomes <br />effective the clerk.sliall file in the Secretarf State's office,_in the of_fi_ce of <br />the register deeds the jz Q- - ty and the chain <br />an of the county Qard <br />of elections,_a certified A he Qju es� tL <br />-r- - Qnt <br />(f) This section applies -W-Chatbanoy <br />ni Cwnty <br />- - - -nl <br />0- - <br />CHATHAM SCHOOL BOARD TIME OF TAKING OFFICE <br />Sec. 4. Section 6 of Chapter 501 of the Session Laws of 1975 <br />of 4 in/76/?nw; in• ?" A <br />