Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 5. Lt. David Funk shall not loan,lend,give away, or rid himself of the canine in any manner which <br /> would result in the canine being in the care of another person,business, or entity; and <br /> 6. Lt. David Funk shall be solely responsible for the actions of the canine while either in his <br /> personal care or otherwise; and <br /> 7. Any personal property equipment assigned specifically to Callie (collar,leashes) and any shelter <br /> previously constructed on Lt. David Funk's property becomes the property of Lt. David Funk. <br /> This does not include specialized police equipment (protective equipment, special police issued <br /> equipment). <br /> Adopted this the 19`'day of March, 2024. <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> ATTEST: (SEAL) <br /> By: <br /> Jamezetta Bedford, Chair <br /> Laura Jensen, County Clerk <br />