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28 <br /> resources (it spent 552 million on its Operations Center). We may also assume that the Town <br /> would have chosen its location in a responsible way. What entity, after all, has a greater interest <br /> in the responsible use and management of the land surrounding Chapel Hill? So, out of all the <br /> districts and zoning the Town might have chosen, it selected a portion of land in the Rural Buffer <br /> also on Millhouse Road. Aerial imagery shows that in 2004-2005 the Town cleared <br /> approximately 3.5 acres of Rural Buffer for uses very similar to those that we are proposing for <br /> our land, though on a significantly larger scale. The Town continues to use this Rural Buffer <br /> location for trucks and machinery parking, materials staging and loading, and parking spaces for <br /> associated staff vehicles. <br /> It also makes sense for us to locate our more modest operation off Millhouse Rd where we are <br /> even less likely to disturb neighbors.21 It would be a waste for the Treeist to use any of the <br /> scarce commercially zoned properties. To keep these scarcer commercial zoning open for higher <br /> uses means that Orange County is more likely to achieve the vision it has for these development <br /> districts, including "compact and higher density development" (Objective ED-2.1; LU-3.9), and <br /> "a clustered, walkable development pattern" and avoiding "strip development" in <br /> non-residential nodes (Objective LU-3.7). A business that profits from the unique features of the <br /> commercial districts will also be in a better position to pay a premium for such amenities, <br /> thereby keeping these locations available and attractive to "major corporate users" who will <br /> more significantly "build and expand upon the County's economic base" (Objective ED-2.6; <br /> ED-1.8). <br /> 9. An Appropriate Compromise in the Rural Buffer <br /> Our plans for rezoning the 10-acre property are favored by a wide range of the Comprehensive <br /> Plan's directives for Orange County. In particular, progress would be made on 14 separate goals <br /> and 34 separate objectives. <br /> This alignment between our company's plans and the directives of Orange County is not <br /> accidental. We are a locally owned and managed company, servicing local clientele, and we <br /> stand or fall by our local reputation. At a most general level, our basic function as a company is <br /> to offer and improve services that are valued by Orange County residents and that strengthen <br /> our rapport within this community. When we succeed in making necessary improvements in <br /> " If anything, the land that the Town of Chapel Hill selected to park its equipment and stage its materials <br /> is less suitable than the land we are proposing to use. The Town's Rural Buffer land is much closer to <br /> residential properties, of which 6704 Millhouse Rd is the closest at approximately 200 feet from the <br /> clearing created by the Town's facility. Aerial imagery suggests that, within 360 feet of the house on this <br /> property, the Town regularly uses heavy machinery to move and load gravel and associated materials. <br /> For comparison, our loading and staging area is about 1,725 feet from the nearest residential house (at <br /> 1550 Bruin Trail). <br /> 21 <br />