Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> • Objective LU-5-2: Continue to implement the Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan. <br /> • Objective LU-5-3: Develop and coordinate an emergency disaster plan and community <br /> education program to increase awareness of the dangers of natural and human-made <br /> emergency events and understand how best to prepare. <br /> • Services and Community Facilities Goal 7: Efficient and effective public safety, including <br /> police, fire, telecommunications, emergency services, and animal services. <br /> • Objective PS-T-3: Establish and maintain an appropriate level of service for law <br /> enforcement and emergency services and ensure the provision of adequate public safety <br /> protection standards for residential, commercial, and industrial development <br /> throughout the County. <br /> • Objective PS-T-4: Maintain high levels of cooperation and sharing of equipment among <br /> all departments and agencies involved in law enforcement, public safety, crime <br /> prevention, fire protection, and emergency services to assure a high level of service in a <br /> cost effective manner. <br /> • Objective T-2.3: Increase countywide access for emergency vehicles, including ways to <br /> improve response times, both for existing and new developments. <br /> 7. Congruence with the Adjacent Parcels <br /> Our plans for the 10-acre parcel are congruous with the nearby properties. A brief geographical <br /> overview: <br /> • To our south: the Orange County Landfill at 1514 Eubanks Rd. Adjacent to our property is <br /> the artificial hill created by the old "preregulatory" unlined landfill no longer in use. <br /> Beyond that is the county's mulching operation and waste and recycling center. <br /> Altogether this 120 acre parcel creates an approximately half mile buffer between our <br /> property and Eubanks Rd. <br /> • To our west: Duke Forest's research forest area, which is closed to the public, creating a <br /> 1.15 mile buffer between our property and NC Highway 86. <br /> • To our north and east: 78 acres of largely undeveloped land owned by Orange County. To <br /> our north this creates a 1000 foot buffer between our nearest neighbors (Green Beagle <br /> Lodge, and Green Beagle Lodge owners Andrew and Tammy Purner). To our east this <br /> creates a 1,350 foot buffer to the 2-acre along Millhouse Rd owned by the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill. <br /> • Within our parcel is a 195 foot tall telecommunication tower within a 0.2 acre plot for <br /> which the owner of the tower has a perpetual lease. <br /> 14 <br />