Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> since March 2019: <br /> Tabie 4.4—FEMA Major Disaster Declarations,Eno-Haw Regmn <br /> County* Disaster# Date tncident Type Event Title <br /> A,0,P 4412 14/10/2418 Hurricane Tropical Storm Michael <br /> A, D,0,P 4393 9/1412418 Hurricane Hurricane Florence. <br /> A,0,P 4167 3/31/2014 Severe Ice Storm Severe winter Storm <br /> A 1969 4/113/2011 Severe Storm{s) Severe storms,tornadoes,and Fioodin <br /> P 1841 1D/8/2048 Severe Storrn(s) Tropical Storm Hanna <br /> A 1553 9/18/2004 Hurricane Hurricane Ivan <br /> D,0,P 14901 1/18/2003 Hurricane Hurricane Isabel <br /> A,O,P 1457 3/27/2003 Severe Ice Storm Ice Storm <br /> A, D,0,P 1448 12/12/2002 Severe Ice Storm Severe Ice Storm <br /> A, D,0,P 1312 1/31/2000 Severe Storm(s) Severe winter Storm <br /> A, D,O,P 1242 9/16/1999 Hurricane Hurricane Floyd Maar Disaster Declarations <br /> D 1211 3/22/1998 Severe Storm(s) Severe Storms,Tornadoes,and Flooding <br /> A, D,0 P 1134 9/6/1996 Hurricane Hurricane Fran <br /> A, D,C},P 1087 1/13/1995 Snaw Blizzard of 96 <br /> D 827 5/17/1989 Tornado Tornadoes <br /> Source:FEMA Diraster Dedmadons Summary,Match 15.2019 <br /> 'Caurp tads: A=Alamance,D=Durham,fl=0tange,P=Person <br /> Looking at each of the Incident Types and Event Titles, we can see that each of these major <br /> disasters intimately involved trees. Orange County residents remember Hurricane Fran or the <br /> 2002 ice storm primarily because of all of the trees that fell or broke around them. Tropical <br /> Storm Michael might have been forgotten except for the remnants of all of the large uprooted <br /> hardwoods still visible in its long aftermath. <br /> While Orange County and its towns may have publicly funded resources for fire, EMT, and police <br /> responses, individuals and institutions generally must find private tree companies to deal with <br /> the fallen trees on their houses, buildings, vehicles, driveways, and yards. From its webpage on <br /> Disaster/ Emergency Preparedness, consider Orange County's own directives to its residents: <br /> Dawned Trees & Debris <br /> o For downed trees and ether debris in a roadway,assure that you are in a safe <br /> location and call 911 <br /> o For downed trees on private property contact the primary insurer of the <br /> property and then contact a private debris removal company <br /> If you hope for help from public emergency services, then hope that your tree emergency <br /> involves a roadway. Since, however, most of the trees that fall or break do not do so on a public <br /> roadway, most emergency responses for fallen or broken trees depend on the services of <br /> private tree companies such as the Treeist. <br /> Realizing that our clients and community rely on us to respond to emergencies, we are available <br /> to respond every day of every week without exception or holiday. Monitoring weather <br /> 12 <br />