Orange County NC Website
�8 <br /> Education & Outreach e, <br /> e <br /> communitiesGoal: Ensure that our <br /> _ - theknowledge <br /> needed to <br /> prioritize, and implement connectivity <br /> . <br /> - _ . area. <br /> Engage:. .' ..�,i •fir diverse <br /> Share knowledge <br /> M y <br /> and data <br /> raudiences . • <br /> communities <br /> Facilitate learning Partner with <br /> -.47 and problem- local <br /> solving organizations and <br /> communities <br /> How We' I I Get It Done <br /> Develop our website Provide presentations, Listen, learn, & collaborate <br /> as a resource hub for workshops, field on shared priorities for <br /> connectivity conservation outings, & educational mutual benefit <br /> materials <br />