Orange County NC Website
MINUTES-Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> September 20, 2023 <br /> and virtual or in a hybrid format to reach a greater proportion of the population. The team is <br /> selecting peer counties, focusing on comparing qualities such as geography, economics, and <br /> population. <br /> C. Health Directors Report <br /> Ms. Stewart presented her report to the Board. Below are brief highlights of her report. <br /> • New COVID-19 vaccine boosters have been approved and the health department has <br /> received the state supply intended for un/under-insured patients, while the vaccines for <br /> individuals with private insurance have not yet been distributed. Ms. Stewart added that <br /> the department will perform specific outreach to unhoused, sheltered, and incarcerated <br /> individuals but there will not be large-scale vaccine clinics because OCHD doesn't have <br /> the resources for something of that scale at this time. <br /> • The Opioid Advisory Committee has heard five new proposals over the past two months, <br /> and the group is splitting into two subcommittees — one to review proposals for funding <br /> recommendations, and one to prepare for the community-wide annual meeting. The first <br /> report on the use of the Opioid Settlement Funds is due on September 27th. In response <br /> to Mr. Bagby's question about whether the Opioid Settlement Fund amounts were <br /> available to the public, Ms. Stewart replied that they were available on the BOCC's <br /> website, and she would share the link with him. <br /> • Though State budget approval (and thus Medicaid expansion) has been stalled, there is <br /> a high likelihood that it will be voted on and passed by the end of the month. <br /> • Based on wastewater surveillance and hospitalization rates, there has been an increase <br /> in COVID-19 cases in Orange County. However, data is beginning to trend down and <br /> there has not been a spike in deaths. Dr. Rodgers suggested that the return of UNC <br /> students may have been a factor in the increase in COVID cases. Ms. Stewart also <br /> shared that OCHD staff have been asked to wear masks to slow the spread until cases <br /> are low again. <br /> • The upcoming community event, Building Community & Health, will take place on <br /> Sunday at Schley-Grange Hall from 2-4:30pm and will provide flu shots, a CPR <br /> demonstration, distribution of Narcan, and education around firearm safety and opioid <br /> and substance use disorders. <br /> • Ms. Stewart reminded the board of the upcoming Fall Educational Conference in <br /> Concord, NC, which many OCHD staff members will attend. She mentioned that staff <br /> attending the conference will still be accessible, just not physically present at OCHD. <br /> • There is a volunteer appreciation reception hosted by the BOCC on October 3rd in <br /> Whitted's Donna Baker room to celebrate board members for their service. <br /> • The next all-staff meeting will be held on Friday October 131h at Fairview Park. Board <br /> members are welcome to attend but should alert Ms. Stewart if they wish to do so to <br /> ensure there is not a quorum. <br /> • Environmental Health received a shout out from Chapel Hill Town Manager Chris Blue <br /> for their support after the fire at Mediterranean Deli in July. <br /> VIII. Adjournment <br /> A motion was made by Dr. Alison Stuebe to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m., was <br /> seconded by Dr. Bruce Baldwin, and carried without dissent. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2023 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> September Page 8 <br />