Approved Minutes of September 20, 2023
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
Approved Minutes of September 20, 2023
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3/14/2024 11:23:08 AM
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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MINUTES-Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> September 20, 2023 <br /> management of disease. Two specific structures she mentioned were the piloting of a <br /> medication assistance program for primary care patients and to provide support in <br /> between medical appointments and use of the Modivcare program, a ridership program <br /> partnering with Uber and Lyft to address transportation barriers for patients. <br /> • Ms. Kemske also highlighted: 1. the Primary Care Bag Initiative, which gives patients a <br /> bag of supplies to help monitor blood pressure and Diabetes; and 2. the Diabetes <br /> Prevention Program, which supports participants in performing 150 minutes of physical <br /> activity per week and in achieving 5% body weight loss, both of which are evidence- <br /> based Type II Diabetes prevention strategies. <br /> • Ms. Kemske shared that while New Employee Orientation offers an opportunity to <br /> promote nutrition services to new county employees, staffing issues have served as a <br /> barrier to providing them. In response to Mr. Bagby's question about whether there are <br /> wellness classes available for employees, especially physical activity classes, Ms. <br /> Kemske said that the Orange County Wellness Committee recently relaunched and she <br /> expects to see fitness classes starting again soon. Ms. Kemske also affirmed that <br /> Orange County government employees receive a discount at the local Sportsplex in <br /> response to Commissioner Bedford's clarifying question. <br /> • Dr. Jonnal prompted Mr. Bagby to ask about the vending machines in Orange County <br /> Government buildings — Mr. Bagby feels that there is a lot of `junk food' in vending <br /> machines that encourage people to make poor food choices. Ms. Kemske replied that <br /> unfortunately the OCHD does not control what is in the vending machines, though <br /> there's previously been a partnership to address this, and that at the end of the day it's <br /> about money and negotiating cost with the vending machine companies. <br /> • Dr. Jonnal asked whether Ms. Kemske knows anything about insurance companies <br /> covering the cost of healthy food options, as this is something she has heard of and <br /> would like to have an option to offer her patients when they say they can't afford healthy <br /> food. Mr. Bagby shared a personal anecdote about receiving healthy premade meals <br /> covered by his insurance after a past surgery and Dr. Steube expressed she'd also <br /> heard of something similar. Ms. Kemske said this was not a service that she was aware <br /> of, but that she'd be happy to ask a colleague at UNC and share back. <br /> B. Refugee/Immigrant Update <br /> Chinyere Ekenna, Communicable Disease/Refugee Health Nurse, presented the annual <br /> Refugee/Immigrant Health Update. Ms. Ekenna explained the distinction between a refugee <br /> (one who flees their home country due to violence or persecution and is unable/afraid to return) <br /> and an immigrant (one who elects to leave their home country for other opportunities) and then <br /> provided an overview of the state of refugees and refugee health in Orange County. Below are <br /> some highlights of her presentation: <br /> • Ms. Ekenna shared that refugees living in Orange County are from all over the world. <br /> Recently, new benefits have been extended to refugees from certain countries, including <br /> Afghanistan, Ukraine, Cuba, and Haiti. OCHD has received and screened 52 refugees <br /> since December 2022. Of these, 13 were refugees from Ukraine. <br /> • Sharing demographic information about refugees arriving to North Carolina, Ms. Ekenna <br /> said that around 1,000-4,000 arrive per year and there is an even split between males <br /> and females, nearly half(44-47%) are under 20 years old, and most (80-90%) do not <br /> speak English as their primary language. <br /> • Ms. Ekenna explained that there are two different medical screenings available for <br /> refugees: 1. a mandatory immigration exam prior to departing their home country, which <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2023 Agenda&Abstracts/ <br /> September Page 6 <br />
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