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MINUTES-Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> October 25, 2023 <br /> Health is in the unique position of both regulating and serving their client base. Ms. <br /> Hudson also said that Environmental Health is inherently based on laws and regulations, <br /> which means some amount of delays are inherent to the process and can sometimes <br /> lead to frustration among the people they serve. <br /> • To provide a `sneak peek' at next fiscal year's survey results, Ms. Hudson randomly <br /> sampled clients served over the past year. Preliminary results suggest that respondents <br /> like the new online pay portal, appreciate the changes to the email system to improve <br /> email accessibility, and feel the department is more responsive, as having a full staff <br /> makes a difference. <br /> • In response to Dr. Crandell's question about the two-week turnaround for applications, <br /> Ms. Hudson explained that once the department receives an application, staff has 14 <br /> days to make it to the property and perform an inspection. If any deficiencies are found, <br /> staff notifies the applicant, and the applicant then has 60 days to correct the deficiencies <br /> and reapply. Dr. Crandell then asked if the 14-day window presents difficulties to staff or <br /> if they can meet this consistently, and Ms. Hudson said that the staff make it work. <br /> • Mr. Whitaker had several questions about the drone photos included in the presentation, <br /> particularly regarding who was taking the photos and with what drone. Ms. Hudson <br /> explained that a staff member, Mel Caesar, has been taking the photos using his <br /> personal drone, but that the department is planning to purchase their own as the photos <br /> provide valuable documentation. Dr. Royce asked for an explanation of the drone photo <br /> of a septic system installation, which Ms. Hudson then provided. <br /> Personal Health Services <br /> Ms. Spey, Public Health Nurse Supervisor, explained that Personal Health Surveys <br /> consisted of three different surveys based around services provided — Maternal Health, Family <br /> Planning, and Child Health. She reviewed the results of the 80 responses received across all <br /> three surveys. Overall, 100% of respondents felt good or great about the level of courtesy and <br /> respect from clinic staff and that staff listened and explained care clearly. However, there were <br /> concerns about wait times, particularly time between scheduling an appointment and being seen <br /> and length of time spent in the waiting room. <br /> • Ms. Spey said that more providers have been hired to reduce wait times and increase <br /> access. As some respondents expressed concerns about clinic cleanliness, Ms. Spey <br /> also shared that there is a plan to audit this, as they are unsure if it is an issue with the <br /> custodial staff or the clinicians. <br /> • In response to Dr. Pickett's question about the Likert scale values, Ms. Spey explained <br /> that the ranking was Great->Good->Fair->Ok based on the default values that came with <br /> SurveyMonkey, and that on past paper surveys they used stars. Dr. Stuebe suggested <br /> using different values in the future, as 'Ok' and `Fair' seem very similar. Ms. Stewart <br /> shared that the health department will be moving to a new survey platform through <br /> Microsoft Teams soon so it will look different next year. <br /> • Mr. Bagby asked whether the surveys distinguished between and compared the Chapel <br /> Hill and Hillsborough clinic locations, to which Ms. Spey replied generally yes, but the <br /> Chapel Hill clinic had been closed for the 2022-2023 fiscal year, so this survey did not. <br /> • In response to Mr. Bagby's question about whether there is any kind of standard <br /> benchmark or peer counties to which we compare our customer satisfaction survey <br /> results, Ms. Spey responded that these surveys are based on a standard survey model, <br /> but she is not sure if there is a comparison and she could find out. Ms. Stewart added <br /> that the health department generally does not compare itself too closely to other <br /> counties to better focus on the needs of its own community. Mr. Whitaker asked if these <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2023 Agenda&Abstracts/ <br /> October Page 4 <br />