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MINUTES-Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> October 25, 2023 <br /> Ms. Williams shared that the Community Health Assessment Listening sessions are slated to <br /> begin Monday of next week and will run through November. She said this will offer community <br /> members an opportunity to vote on priority areas for the upcoming strategic plan and for the <br /> board to engage with and receive feedback from community members. <br /> Dr. Royce asked about the status of data analysis, to which Ms. Williams replied that Mark <br /> Smith, the contract epidemiologist working to support the CHA, is using a CDC-based program <br /> to analyze the data. She added that Mr. Smith has unfortunately not been able to `drill down' on <br /> certain items such as outcomes for specific demographic categories due to the way the survey <br /> was conducted. <br /> In response to Dr. Royce's question about secondary data (i.e., data not collected within the <br /> CHA survey), Ms. Williams explained that while some would be presented during the listening <br /> sessions, the focus would be on sharing primary data (i.e., data that was collected within the <br /> CHA survey) and allowing time for discussion. However, she clarified that the final report would <br /> go into greater detail about both primary and secondary data. <br /> Ms. Stewart added that the listening sessions will be about an hour and a half long and that <br /> community members will be given a broad summary of findings to consider for priority setting. <br /> Dr. Stuebe clarified that the listening sessions are intended to learn from community member's <br /> lived experiences, which Ms. Stewart confirmed. Dr. Royce expressed that she now understood <br /> that we are listening to community members rather than them listening to us. <br /> Mr. Bagby asked when board members would receive information about their role in the <br /> listening sessions, as they would begin in only a few days. Ms. Stewart said that the staff <br /> working on CHA would confirm the plans for the listening sessions in their meeting on Friday <br /> morning and would share the information out shortly after. <br /> Dr. Jonnal asked for the information about listening session sign-ups to be shared out again and <br /> Mr. Bagby echoed this to ensure that Dr. Nickelson has access to it. Jean Phillips-Weiner, <br /> Board of Health Strategic Plan Manager, said she would resend this information. Mr. Whitaker <br /> asked if Ms. Phillips-Weiner could also share which sessions board members have already <br /> signed up for, which she agreed to do. <br /> C. Health Directors Report <br /> Ms. Stewart presented her report to the Board. Below are brief highlights of her report. <br /> • The Health Department received two new awards and was granted $11,000 at the <br /> NCPHA Conference in September—the GlaxoSmithKline Child Health Local Health <br /> Department Award and the Dr. Sarah Morrow Health Department of the Year Award — <br /> for our collaborative and innovative work with the Gateway Village Community. In <br /> response to Dr. Royce's question about sharing this news in a press release or similar <br /> format, Ms. Stewart replied that Dana Crews, Community Health Services Director, is <br /> working on a press release as the Communications Manager role is currently vacant. <br /> • COVID numbers are slowly improving, with hospital admission rates dropping but ICU <br /> admissions increasing. Ms. Stewart also shared that the health department is <br /> encouraging folks to get their updated boosters and that the department is continuing to <br /> mask in an effort to slow spread among staff. <br /> • The new COVID vaccines and RSV vaccines are arriving in waves; we now have both <br /> Pfizer and Moderna boosters for COVID and the RSV doses for pregnant women and <br /> older adults. In response to Dr. Royce's question about whether the health department <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2023 Agenda&Abstracts/ <br /> October Page 10 <br />