Approved Minutes of November 15, 2023
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Board of Health
Approved Minutes of November 15, 2023
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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MINUTES-Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> November 15, 2023 <br /> 2023. Louise Moize, Human Services Supervisor II, is supervising the Medicaid expansion team <br /> and accompanied Ms. Shewmaker to assist with questions. <br /> Some highlights of the presentation are below: <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker shared that Medicaid is great health insurance, which has no premiums <br /> and covers almost all care with no or a very small copay ($4). She added that the <br /> expansion is projected to extend Medicaid coverage to approximately 6,800 North <br /> Carolinians who were previously ineligible. <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker explained that Medicaid eligibility is traditionally reevaluated annually, <br /> and that this had been paused during the COVID-19 pandemic. She said that annual <br /> review was reinstated over the summer, and so many people who failed to respond to <br /> the request for review have been dropped from Medicaid but remain eligible. It is <br /> expected that these people will be added right back on, and so they were not included in <br /> the total eligibility and enrollment estimates. She added that there is no enrollment <br /> period for Medicaid, and that it is possible to apply at any time during the year. <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker clarified that Medicaid expansion created a new category of eligibility <br /> and that there are already at least 20 categories. The existing categories will not change. <br /> She said that the new group's code is MXP, and individuals may be moved from group <br /> to group depending on what eligibility criteria they meet. As an example, she shared that <br /> individuals who had been on the Family Planning Medicaid (1,984 people) will be <br /> automatically converted to full Medicaid on December 1st, and a notice has been sent. <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker also shared that parents who have children without health coverage — <br /> for example, if they failed to recertify their child's Medicaid coverage — are not eligible for <br /> expanded Medicaid, which presents a concern about creating possible coverage gaps. <br /> • In response to Dr. Royce's question about refugee eligibility, Ms. Moize explained that <br /> individuals with refugee status are not subject to a waiting period to enroll in Medicaid, <br /> which is usually five years for people with qualified immigration status. <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker emphasized that people should not apply until December 1 to avoid <br /> being evaluated by the previous eligibility criteria. She also said that no one should <br /> cancel their current coverage until after they have received confirmation that they have <br /> been enrolled in Medicaid. <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker outlined the four possible ways one can apply for Medicaid (using a <br /> paper application, over the phone, in person at DSS, or online using ePass) and shared <br /> that DSS is encouraging those who can apply online to do so, as it is the method that <br /> allows for the fastest eligibility determination, requires the least human support, and has <br /> more automated ways to confirm identity and eligibility (e.g., verifying income and SSN). <br /> She added that applying online allows individuals to keep their contact information up to <br /> date, which made the conversion of Family Planning patients much smoother (DSS was <br /> able to automatically convert nearly 2,000 of the 2,100 total Family Planning patients). <br /> • In response to Dr. Rodgers' question about ensuring individuals without access to the <br /> Internet or who are not computer savvy are still able to enroll and concerns about people <br /> feeling stigmatized, Ms. Shewmaker explained that she tries to emphasize that people <br /> who can apply online should do so because of its benefits, but that there are several <br /> enrollment options available. She also added that DSS is making efforts to increase <br /> accessibility of the Internet, such as by setting up computers at libraries and by offering <br /> computers at DSS (though she said that if an individual is coming into DSS that it is <br /> preferred that they sit down with a caseworker for support). <br /> • Ms. Shewmaker added that individuals who are experiencing homelessness or who do <br /> not have access to the documentation required to apply can come to DSS and make a <br /> statement to circumnavigate some documentation requirements. She also explained that <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda&Abstracts\2023 Agenda&Abstracts/ <br /> November Page 4 <br />
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