Agenda - 11-02-2005-7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-02-2005
Agenda - 11-02-2005-7c
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9/2/2008 1:35:40 AM
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8/29/2008 10:39:55 AM
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3 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: .John Link, County Manager <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Director <br />Subject: Landclearing and Storm Debris Management <br />Date: October 25, 2005 <br />Over the past several years there has been considerable interest in and increasing necessity for a <br />local means to economically and conveniently manage the landclearing and inert debris portion of <br />the waste stream, Landclearing debris typically consists of stumps, togs, limbs, brush, and other <br />similar vegetative matter resulting from the clearing of land for agriculture, development, <br />landscaping, ice storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Inert debris consists of the more benign <br />portion of a landclearing/excavation or construction & demolition (C&D) operation such as brick, <br />rock, concrete, asphalt, etc.. <br />Locally, the options for generators of these type wastes are: <br />• Hauling to Orange County Landfill -Much too expensive for the large quantities of these <br />materials usually generated by single projects, Additionally, the Landfill has space <br />constraints, which limits capability to handle significant quantities of these materials. <br />• Burning -Undesirable and in most instances, now unlawful.. <br />• Hauling to Out-of County Facilities -Adds transportation costs and increases large truck <br />traffic Some of these out-of=county facilities are also not properly permitted.. <br />• Illegally dumping locally on farms and other rural areas,. <br />• Hauling to previously recommended, but presently not authorized, Orange County <br />Landclearing Waste Facilities -Capable of handling only limited quantities of materials at <br />these proposed 2-acre sites.. <br />Substantive discussions and inquiry on this issue have taken place: <br />• since Hurricane Fran clearly demonstrated the County's limited capacity to handle these <br />materials <br />• through the C&D Recycling Task Force <br />• following each major storm event and part of recurring local emergency planning <br />discussions <br />• a topic in the discussion related to the Regulated Recyclable Materials Ordinance <br />• a topic of the Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) discussions <br />• required by the 3-Year Solid Waste Management Plan Update to the State <br />• raised by local excavation and landclearing businesses <br />• raised in discussions regarding the proposed 2004 Land Clearing Waste Facilities Zoning <br />Text Amendment (citizen representatives were presented with short and long term options <br />for' managing these materials and concurred with the County assessment and proposed <br />resolution) <br />• during various emergency planning training courses attended by staff from time to time <br />• prior County staff memos and recommendations regarding the need to broaden the County's <br />landclearing debris management capabilities <br />
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