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13 <br /> 1 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what the consequence is for the audit finding. <br /> 2 Tim Lyons said NCDHHS may come to investigate the issue further, but as far as the audit <br /> 3 is concerned, it does not rise to the level of a material weakness and would just continue to be a <br /> 4 single audit finding if remained unchanged in the future. <br /> 5 Commissioner Fowler asked if money given to Sportsplex is being paid back to the county. <br /> 6 Bonnie Hammersley said yes and indicated that will be reflected in the current budget <br /> 7 year. <br /> 8 Commissioner Hamilton asked about the unrestricted net position in the Solid Waste <br /> 9 enterprise fund. <br /> 10 Tim Lyons said in enterprise funds there are assets, liabilities, and net positions. He said <br /> 11 the net positions are what is leftover. In proprietary funds there are multiple classes of net position, <br /> 12 and the one that is not shown there is net investment and capital assets, which is what is left over <br /> 13 after deducting liabilities from assets, but some of what's left is tied up in capital assets and is not <br /> 14 available for spending. He said unrestricted net position is what is left after considering those <br /> 15 types of costs, so essentially current assets available to be spent on the operation. <br /> 16 Commissioner Hamilton said that is helpful to point out because there looks to be a <br /> 17 negative cash flow in 2023, but in fact there is a higher unrestricted net position meaning there is <br /> 18 capacity to deal with those changes and flows. <br /> 19 Tim Lyons explained that the negative cashflow has to do with change in pension and <br /> 20 OPEB liabilities. <br /> 21 Chair Bedford asked about the $5,000 capitalization limit. She said it seems like a small <br /> 22 dollar amount. <br /> 23 Tim Lyons said in a county Orange County's size, $5,000 does seem low for a tangible <br /> 24 asset. He said it would be okay to leave it at that level, for tangible assets, but would recommend <br /> 25 the threshold for leases and SBITAs to be higher because otherwise immaterial leases and <br /> 26 SBITAs will have to be tracked and that is not helpful or useful information in the financial <br /> 27 statements. <br /> 28 Chair Bedford thanked the auditors and the Finance Department for their work. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 5. Public Hearings <br /> 31 None. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 6. Regular Agenda <br /> 34 a. Approval of a Professional Services Contract with Thomas & Hutton Engineering to <br /> 35 Provide Civil Design Services for a Greene Tract Master Plan and Approval of Budget <br /> 36 Amendment#5-A <br /> 37 The Board received a historical perspective on activities related to the development of the Greene <br /> 38 Tract; discussed and considered approving a new design services proposal to create a <br /> 39 development Master Plan for the Greene Tract; and considered approving Budget Amendment <br /> 40 #5-A to provide for the total cost of the project. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 BACKGROUND: The Greene Tract is located east of the Rogers Road community within the <br /> 43 Town of Chapel Hill's extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Of the 164-acre parcel, 104 acres is jointly <br /> 44 owned by Orange County/Chapel Hill/Carrboro and 60 acres is owned by Orange County <br /> 45 (Headwaters Preserve). Over the last 20+ years, the three jurisdictions have invested significant <br /> 46 resources to identify and support the goals for the Greene Tract as a resource for the Rogers <br /> 47 Road community and the residents of the two towns and Orange County, all of which can be <br /> 48 found on the County's dedicated Greene Tract project page and dynamic StoryMap, but featuring <br /> 49 the following: <br /> 50 <br />