Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> 1 Slide #13 <br /> 40* Orange County North Caraififra <br /> Audit Finding <br /> 3033-001 Reporting of Employee Costs to NCDHHS <br /> In our testing of employee casts charged to the Medicaid and SNAP programs,we noted four 141 total instances <br /> (three l31 out of forty l40)for Medicaid and one�1]out of forty X44]for SNAPI where the employee's day sheet <br /> (where time is tracked by service code in 6-minute increments)included more time than the employee's approved <br /> timesheet for the week.. <br /> No questioned casts noted. <br /> Management Points(Recommendations) <br /> Capitalization Thresholds for Right-to-Use Assets <br /> Over the last two[21 fiscal periods,the County was required to Implerneni the provisions of two ill new acCounting <br /> Standards(GASB Statement No.87,teoseS and GASB`tate Ment Na,96, Inform otiorl Techrricxrggy <br /> A,rorlgemenrsp that have significantly changed the way local governments ac€aunt for leasing aalvltles and <br /> Information technology(IT)contracts. These new standards have created a new class of asset that is recorded In <br /> the counrys statement of net posidon known as a rlghrto-use asset. Similar to capital assets,these right-to-use <br /> assets are capitalized and amorilaed over the life of the underlying agreelnentts]or and ilying assets useful life <br /> fwhlchever Is slrrsrtel. We recommend the County adopt a capitalization threshold for recording right-to--use assets <br /> In the same way that the County has a capltallzatlon threshold for recording tangible capital assets, Establishing a <br /> threshold will make It easler for the county to more efficlentiy evaluate agreements that could give rise to the <br /> recording of right-to-use assets and eliminate what could be time spent on items that are Immaterial to the Cr u nvys <br /> flrianclal statements. <br /> AurfiWs Nsaussk o it Artai`psls(A0,14) <br /> 2 done X.2023 <br /> 3 Slide #14 <br /> >rr <br /> Orange County, North Caroitina <br /> Management Points(Recommendations) <br /> • Counter Reimbursement far Sales Taxes Paid <br /> During our testing of the amounts recelved by the County from the North Carollr►a Department of Revenue <br /> (NCDOM during the fiscal year ended lune 30,2923,we noted the County did not receive a relmbufsemern of sales <br /> taxes prevlously pall, Based on our dlscusslon with mariagement of the County,the NCDOR submittal Is noirnally a <br /> part of year-end processing that has been delayed such that the county has not recelved these funds ffom NCD-DR <br /> yet, Management Is In the process of preparing the application for relmbursement that Is required to be sent to <br /> NCD4R before the funds are released. Additionally,we have noted that managernent has Implemertetl adrl clonal <br /> Internal controls to ensure this Isnot overlooked during the annual closeout process In futwe fiscal Fears. <br /> • Accounting for Special Revenue Funds <br /> During our review of the CountVs firvancial statements,we noted the DSS Payee Fund did rot have any revenue or <br /> expenditure activityfor the Fiscal year under audit. Based onour review of the general ledger activity,it appears the <br /> County is still accounting for this fund as if it was still a custodial fund of the County where all amounts are received <br /> as cash and offsetwith a corresponding liability. With the change in accounting standard that was brought about by <br /> GASB Statement No.84,RdudoryAcrivives,this fund was reclassified to a special revenue fund in previous years and <br /> should be reflecting the inflows it receives during the fiscal year as revenues and conversely,the outflows as <br /> expenditures. Due to the fact that the activity for the fiscal year ended June 30,2023 was not material,an audit <br /> adjustment to reclassify the activity was not required. However,we recommend County staff implement additional <br /> internal controls or additional annual closeout procedures to the ensure the amounts are properly recorded in <br /> accordance with generally accepted accounting principlestGMPk <br /> AA'dar''s UlW=Ss m&Anafysfs(AD&A) <br /> 4 done 3t1,2023 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br />