Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> Slide#17 <br /> Multi-modal Transportation: Objectives <br /> . Identify priorities and resources necessary to implement the Orange County Transit Plan. <br /> . Increase community awareness of all modes of transportation including transit, bike and pedestrian,vehicle, <br /> and all other modes. <br /> . Support road projects that address congestion and reduce commute time using the County's Complete <br /> Streets policy. <br /> Coordinate transit investments with municipal and county land use planning to reduce vehicle miles travelled <br /> and to provide more equitable access to shopping,employment, medical centers, college campuses, etc. <br /> . Invest in implementing the County's Safe Routes to Schools plan. <br /> . Update transportation related plans to provide more multi-modal options in rural Orange County. <br /> b <br /> Slide #18 <br /> Multi-modal Transportation: Feedback <br /> Make sure to include the expansion of safe and well-designed roadways. <br /> Consider adding a light rails system. <br /> Increased bus system in Hillsborough. <br /> More sidewalks and bike lanes. <br /> Less car dependability. <br /> b <br /> On slide #17, Commissioner Fowler asked why the update of transportation plans was <br /> focused on rural Orange County, rather than all of Orange County. <br /> The Board discussed that in the rural areas there are specific challenges with the lack of <br /> infrastructure to support mass transit options. They decided to change the last objective on slide <br /> #17 to "Update transportation related plans to provide more multi-modal options including rural <br /> Orange County." <br />