Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Slide #15 <br /> Housing for All: Objectives <br /> Locate permanent funding sources to address new and existing housing needs. <br /> Address need and any policy barriers to increase access to emergency shelter beds and other low-barrier <br /> housing including eviction diversion. <br /> Invest in permanent supporting housing. <br /> Prioritize and select County-owned land and/or facilities as part of an overall plan of facilities to create crisis, <br /> bridge, low barrier, affordable, and permanent housing. <br /> Review County ordinances, policies, agreements, and the regulatory processes to increase opportunities and <br /> reduce barriers to construct housing. <br /> Partner with public agencies to increase opportunities for public employees to buy and rent homes where they <br /> work. <br /> Expand resources and invest in housing designed for our aging and disabled residents. <br /> Preserve existing housing stock from disrepair and avoid displacement. <br /> Increase representation of people with lived experience on housing related matters. <br /> b 'Am <br /> Slide #16 <br /> Housing for All: Feedback M, <br /> Take advantage of inter-urban locations for lower cost housing. <br /> Clarify who is providing the subsidies for subsidized housing. <br /> More starter home options in the cities. <br /> Lack of affordable housing for those with moderate incomes. <br /> The review of the building process measure needs to be narrowed and clarified to ensure that it does not <br /> simply mean to streamline the process. <br /> b <br /> The Board decided not to change any of the objectives for Housing, except to make a <br /> grammatical change to "Invest in permanent supportive housing." They felt that the feedback <br /> was addressed in the objectives or in other areas of the plan or was too specific for a strategic <br /> plan. <br />