Orange County NC Website
AGENDA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br /> 6:30 PM <br /> ""Bonnie Davis Center, 1020 US 70 West,Hillsborough**** <br /> February 28t", 2024 <br /> TIME AGENDA ITEMS <br /> 6:30 1. Call to Order <br /> 6:31 2. Changes or Additions to Agenda <br /> 6:32 3. Approval of Minutes: January 24t", 2024, meeting (Attachment 1) <br /> 6:35 4. Items for Decision: <br /> a. Election of Officers for 2024-25 <br /> 6:35 5. Discussion Items: <br /> a. Annual HPC review of grant applications from local non-profit <br /> agencies (Attachments 2,3 and 4): <br /> 1. Historic Hillsborough Commission (Burwell School) <br /> 2. Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange <br /> County(Museum) <br /> 3. Alliance for Historic Hillsborough(Visitor's Center) <br /> b. Membership update and review of roster(Attachment 5) <br /> 7:40 6. Updates and Informational Items <br /> a. Report back on Presentation of Annual Report and Work Plan to <br /> BOCC <br /> b. County Land Use Plan 2050: update from Feb. 71n presentation by <br /> consultants to the Planning Board <br /> c. Stone mounds at Blackwood Farm <br /> d. Book project <br /> e. Open air time for other new information by members/staff <br /> 8:15 7. Adjourn <br /> **Next meeting: March 27th, 2024** <br />