Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION TO SUBMIT COMMENTS TO THE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />(TAC) OF THE DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO (DCHC) METROPOLITAN PLANNING <br />ORGANIZATION (MPO) CONCERNING ORANGE COUNTY'S TRANSPORTATION PRIORITIES <br />FOR THE REGIONAL PRIORITY LIST FOR THE 2007 - 2013 TRANSPORTATION <br />IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Board of Transportation, every two years, prepares a <br />Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that identifies transportation projects scheduled for State <br />and Federal funding over the next seven years; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Board of Transportation solicits input for identifying <br />transportation projects of local and regional importance to be included in the FY 2007-2013 <br />Transportation Improvement Program; and <br />WHEREAS, the TAC of the DCHC MPO has adopted, in compliance with federal <br />requirements, a methodology for ranking TIP projects based on local and metropolitan goals <br />addressing mobility, environment and air quality; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has submitted to the DCHC MPO a prioritized list of <br />transportation projects representing transportation needs in the County, and <br />WHEREAS, the quantitative ranking methodology cannot adequately represent the local <br />priority of all proposed projects for the 2007 - 2013 TIP; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that <br />the DCHC MPO Regional Priority List for the FY 2007-2013 Transportation Improvement Program <br />should reflect the priority of Orange County's projects as follows: <br />1, Orange Grove Road (SR 1006) Pedestrian Bridge over 1-40 should be Division 7 Priority <br />number 2 (Regional Priority 7 or 8); <br />2. South Churton Street (SR1009) Improvements should be Division 7 Priority 3 or 4 (Regional <br />Priority number 7 or 8); <br />3 U-2808, Homestead Road (SR 1777) Improvements should be Division 7 Priority number 20 <br />(Regional Priority number 43); <br />4. Old NC 86 Bike Lanes should take the priority ranking of U-3436 - Eno Mountain Road (SR <br />1148)/Mayo Street (SR 1192)/Orange Grove Road (SR1006) Intersection Realignment, one of <br />six projects having a Division Priority ranking of 20 (Regional Priority ranking 43); <br />5, NC 86 Improvements north of Hillsborough and Orange Grove Road Extension to US 70 <br />Business should be switched in ranking to reflect NC 86 Improvements as Division 7 Priority <br />27 (Regional Priority ranking 53) and Orange Grove Road Extension as Division 7 Priority 44 <br />(Regional Priority 86); <br />6. US 70 Bypass Widening should be one of the 11 projects having a Division 7 Priority ranking <br />of 28 (Regional Priority ranking of 55); <br />7 Eno Mountain Road (SR 1148)/Mayo Street (SR 1192)/Orange Grove Road (SR1006) <br />Intersection Realignment should be Division 7 Priority 43 (Regional Priority 85); <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Orange County recognizes 1-85 as an important link in the <br />local, regional, and national highway network, and endorses TIP Project 1-0305 to widen 1-85 in <br />Orange County from 1-40 to the Orange/Durham County Line, with the following comment requesting <br />that NCDOT: