Approved with Amendment 12.6.23
<br /> 151 Beth Bronson clarified that Tate Consulting is a sub-consultant for Clarion.
<br /> 152
<br /> 153 Chris Johnson asked if childcare was provided at the workshop meeting. Mr.Altieri stated that there was not. Mr.Johnson
<br /> 154 explained that he felt this was successful when offered for a meeting for the Town of Hillsborough.
<br /> 155
<br /> 156 Chris Johnson asked if a translator was present at the workshop.Mr.Altieri confirmed that there was and the services were
<br /> 157 not needed.
<br /> 158
<br /> 159 Chris Johnson: That kind of goes into my next question. So,we're having these workshops and this outreach and that sort
<br /> 160 of thing. The methods of communication that you listed,the newsletter and so on and so forth feels a lot like the kind of
<br /> 161 thing where the kind of people who are plugged into that are the people who are already plugged into that. And I guess my
<br /> 162 question is:what happens if we get to the end of this process and the workshops continue to be of the makeup that they
<br /> 163 are? Like,what does failure look like,and what do we do? Is there going to be an opportunity during the process where we
<br /> 164 say, "hey,this isn't working and let's try something else,"or do we continue on and, you know, say, "hey,we did our best
<br /> 165 and that's that?"
<br /> 166
<br /> 167 Tom Altieri: So our consultant did ask us,you know, is there another project that we can use as a benchmark to gauge
<br /> 168 success and the Climate Action Plan,which is coming across the finish line here,was identified as a benchmark,as a goal
<br /> 169 to exceed. And of course,you know, above and beyond is great, but that's how, at least for now, they're going to be
<br /> 170 measuring success. And, if I may add,we're already having that conversation. We were already disappointed by, not
<br /> 171 necessarily the number of people who turned out, I think it was a great turnout for our first event, but I suppose we were
<br /> 172 disappointed that it was exactly who we expected to turn out. So we're already having an internal conversation. We'll be
<br /> 173 speaking with both of our consultants about the need to make a concerted effort to meet with underrepresented
<br /> 174 communities on their terms and in locations that they feel comfortable meeting in. So that's a work in progress, but we've
<br /> 175 already had that conversation, and we'll be having that conversation to up our game for the next round of engagement.
<br /> 176
<br /> 177 Chris Johnson and Tom Altieri discussed the website for the Plan,including translation options. Board members discussed
<br /> 178 the website and possible issues in navigation. Chris Johnson requested more readily apparent access to translation
<br /> 179 options. Mr.Altieri encouraged Board members to email him with any comments on user-interface changes.
<br /> 180
<br /> 181 Lamar Proctor inquired about using news or print media to promote the Plan. Mr.Altieri discussed Community's Relations
<br /> 182 approaches for promotion,including a press release that was not picked up by the media. Mr. Proctor proposed the idea of
<br /> 183 a mailer to be sent to residents, potentially with the tax bill.
<br /> 184
<br /> 185 Charity Kirk: [On attending the workshop] I didn't feel like I actually provided much feedback. I put a lot of dots on things,
<br /> 186 and I got told things. And if I was someone that was less involved, I don't think I would feel satisfied with that. Like, I don't
<br /> 187 know why anyone else came to the meeting. Like,we had, I had no conversations with anyone else in these areas,which
<br /> 188 people had to define what these areas were, like the kitchen and things, and then they had to explain it. But the people in
<br /> 189 my group, I don't know why,what brought them there or why they came. And this is not the first time I've been to one of
<br /> 190 these sessions where I feel like I'm being talked at and my feedback.There's not an open interview type of question of why
<br /> 191 did you come,what was your interest in this. It's just,there's sort of a very open-ended aside. It feels like an aside. But this
<br /> 192 is not the first time I've been there where it wasn't super satisfying with just the dots and just sort of the lists of things going
<br /> 193 on and being told what's going on. Now,that's just my personal opinion. So I would suggest as you're moving forward with
<br /> 194 these other groups—which I might have suggestions for your database, I'm not sure, I would have to see your database.
<br /> 195 But how do you engage people in what they value without, like being told—I mean, it's an interesting balance, and I don't
<br /> 196 think that any of the projects I've been involved with have gotten it. They are very much more"do you want A, B or C,"
<br /> 197 rather than, "why are you interested in this, why did you come here,what do you think you can provide?" And maybe I'm
<br /> 198 thinking more of people than not, and maybe this isn't helpful to you, but that's the feeling that I've gotten from some of my
<br />