3-6-24 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3-6-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
2/29/2024 3:48:26 PM
Creation date
2/29/2024 3:48:13 PM
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Regular Meeting
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3_6_24 Planning Board Minutes
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haven't looked at it in the past, and noticing, and of course, the focus in this conversation is land use, but it 497 <br />stood out that some of the community priorities, and perhaps the community priority that stood out at the top, 498 <br />was our schools, or near the top, was our schools. And we know that our commissioners are discussing a 499 <br />school bond that will need to be funded, and while that is not the purview of the land use planning, I think 500 <br />there's going to be implications, perhaps, big implications for land use planning, and of course, funding that 501 <br />and how we consider in our economic development discussions, even if the community didn't rate economic 502 <br />development as high, we know that we're going to need to identify ways to grow sustainably so that we can 503 <br />fund those school infrastructure improvements, so this is more of an observation that perhaps steps outside of 504 <br />the bounds of what this committee does, but certainly it's perhaps, on many of our minds as we think about 505 <br />those tradeoffs. So, just an observation. 506 <br /> 507 <br />Steve Kaufmann: I just want to make one little comment that I appreciated seeing on Page 49— the 508 <br />statement about the limited utility services in the area. Hillsborough sewer utilities are at capacity, likely to 509 <br />shrink without extra funding. This is something that we had to deal with this past year. Is this going to affect 510 <br />the availability of sewage for the rest of the people? Is it going to increase their rates? It seems to be an 511 <br />ongoing concern, has been ever since I moved to Hillsborough. I think when I first moved here, it was the 512 <br />water supply, and they've expanded the water supply, but now it's the sewage. And so, that really affects the 513 <br />ability to expand economic development, and how do you have affordable housing if you don't have water and 514 <br />sewage for the people? And people that live in town that have the water and sewage, their rates are really high 515 <br />and they're complaining about the rates, and they're just going to go higher, possibly. So, I just wanted to 516 <br />throw that out there. 517 <br /> 518 <br />Lamar Proctor invited members of advisory boards to provide comments. 519 <br /> 520 <br />Michael Hughes: I'm on the Transportation Advisory Board and the Agricultural Preservation Board. 521 <br />Previously been on the Commission for the Environment and the OWASA Board of Directors. No comments 522 <br />or questions. Just here to listen. Thanks, guys. 523 <br /> 524 <br />Lamar Proctor invited members of the public to provide comments. 525 <br /> 526 <br />John Dempsey: Hello, John Dempsey from Hillsborough. Good evening. The Comprehensive Land Use 527 <br />Plan 2050 process offers both an opportunity and a threat. Opening up the County's land use plans and 528 <br />policies for review and reform presents an opportunity to bring land use policy in line with Orange County's 529 <br />Environmental Sustainability Goals. It is an opportunity to set policies that address Urban Stream Syndrome 530 <br />and reduce the current negative impacts of rapid urban development on the streams feeding our watershed. 531 <br />The Orange County Climate Action Plan and the Falls Lake Interim Alternative Implementation Approach, as 532 <br />well as a variety of overlay areas of a special concern, such as the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master 533 <br />Plan, are just some examples of efforts to protect and improve water quality in Orange County. The County 534 <br />should be focused on reforming our UDO to better align with such stated County environmental efforts and 535 <br />initiatives. The Rural Buffer is an example of land use policy that has done exactly that. Since being adopted 536 <br />by a joint planning agreement in 1988, it has been helping to protect the invaluable streams that feed our 537 <br />freshwater resources and drinking water supplies. This is in addition to helping block urban sprawl, and 538 <br />contributing to reinforcing the new agricultural economy that is now helping to supply our restaurants, 539 <br />groceries, and farmers' markets. This is the time during the Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2050 review 540 <br />process, where the County should set a goal of watershed neutral planning and development and begin 541 <br />working towards that end. Much of the current independent science research on water system health and 542 <br />management focuses on that specific topic. The destructive effects of urbanization on water resources, 543 <br />particularly on the health of those streams within areas of rapid growth. The science-based field researches, 544 <br />those with boots-in-the-water, are who should be heard from for a clear understanding of the conditions that 545 <br />need to be addressed during our Comprehensive Land Use 2050 process. There are many public and private 546 <br />16
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