3-6-24 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3-6-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
2/29/2024 3:48:26 PM
Creation date
2/29/2024 3:48:13 PM
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Regular Meeting
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3_6_24 Planning Board Minutes
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Whitney Watson: Right. So, kind of a follow onto that is, what is the economic potential for that? Because it 248 <br />may be that there's lots of jobs created to build that farm, but only two or three or so to maintain it. And 249 <br />perhaps a better example of the kind of jobs that people might question is, “do I want something that's a 250 <br />warehouse where they may hire 50 to 75 people, but they're not actually producing anything, versus a 251 <br />manufacturing facility with maybe a larger employment work force, different kinds of salaries, that kind of 252 <br />thing?” And that makes a big difference, I think, when people think about, “yeah, I'm willing to have a 253 <br />warehouse down the road from me with it's traffic versus a production facility that's making something that gets 254 <br />shipped all over the country.” 255 <br /> 256 <br />Leigh Anne King: On the affordable housing question that you had in terms of kind of what are people 257 <br />thinking about when they say they want to solve this problem, what are the solutions that they're interested in. 258 <br />I mean, one of the things is we haven't defined and designed exactly what the second round of engagement 259 <br />will look like. But we could potentially kind of explore different models and share that with the community 260 <br />members. I think an important thing to also be thinking about, too, is that while this is a County plan focused 261 <br />on the County's direct authority, where you have land use, planning and zoning jurisdiction, affordable housing 262 <br />as we know is not a County alone problem. This is very much also a challenge that the municipalities and 263 <br />neighboring jurisdictions are dealing with as well. That’s part of a challenge. When I work with counties, I try 264 <br />to recommend that we think about how are there ways to partner it because a lot of the services, the public 265 <br />transportation, the jobs, are often located within the municipalities. And affordability is not just about housing. 266 <br />It's also about transportation and other related costs. And so, the further out you put people, the more 267 <br />potentially over time their costs are going to be increasing. So, it's a challenge because it's not just a question 268 <br />that the County alone can really solve, and shouldn't be solving alone. It's really a more regional kind, or at 269 <br />least within the County, problem to be addressing. 270 <br /> 271 <br />Whitney Watson: I was really glad to see that that nexus of affordable housing and transportation came up 272 <br />over and over again. Because that does mean that we will hopefully focus our attention on finding a good 273 <br />solution for both of those. 274 <br /> 275 <br />Lamar Proctor: So the Strategic Survey Plan is done by a different agency or business? 276 <br /> 277 <br />Leigh Anne King: BerryDunn, and they actually had, there was a different group as part of their consultant 278 <br />team that conducted the survey, if I remember correctly. 279 <br /> 280 <br />Lamar Proctor: And will those results also appear on the website at some point? 281 <br /> 282 <br />Leigh Anne King: There's a full report, that anybody can access, it's on the County's website. 283 <br /> 284 <br />Lamar Proctor: And so, where will that appear for the public to see those results? Would it be on 285 <br /> 286 <br /> 287 <br />Leigh Anne King: We can cross reference it. We can definitely add that to the website. I don't think we 288 <br />currently have that today, but – 289 <br /> 290 <br />Cy Stober: The Strategic Plan is coming to the Commissioners for adoption at their next meeting, on 291 <br />February 20th. Where that will be stored on the County's website, that project was managed by the Manager's 292 <br />Office, so I'm not sure, but we're happy to provide links to that from the Comprehensive Plan. 293 <br /> 294 <br />Lamar Proctor: I think it would be very helpful for all of the survey results, whether they're the community 295 <br />engagement, the Strategic Plan Survey, or the stakeholder interviews, to see all the different conversations 296 <br />and clearly identify the source of that information. I do think the Strategic Plan Survey, being that it’s 297 <br />11
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