Orange County NC Website
board representatives to the subgroup to have <br /> buy-in from each district <br /> 3. Bonnie: could we be ready to start this by the <br /> beginning of the new calendar year? <br /> a. Jean: award before Christmas? <br /> 4. Al: can anticipate will take 4-6 months but how <br /> fast it can be done will be based on how much we <br /> are willing to pay <br /> a. Bonnie: could we add in RFQ to add cost <br /> estimates on a traditional timeline vs <br /> accelerated <br /> b. Kirk: may not get many advantages to <br /> rush in terms of budget year <br /> c. Rani: really want to urge expediency on <br /> this and request the accelerated timeline <br /> d. Renee: don't want to get a product that is <br /> out of date <br /> 5. Bonnie: Guilford did 2 bond referendums to <br /> support this —we could have multiple rounds to <br /> fund this <br /> 6. Bonnie: should we note the urgency on a slide? <br /> a. Jean: if we discuss the urgency and bring <br /> stories, that will be more impactful than <br /> if we add it to a slide <br /> b. Carrie: concluding slide, supplemental <br /> materials — timeline of funding such as <br /> the next bond (will be helpful for new <br /> school board members) <br /> i. May not need to discuss but could <br /> leave in slide deck as a resource <br /> ii. Include budget cycle calendar and <br /> bond cycle calendar <br /> c. Bonnie: Could we include the penny <br /> equivalent on the property tax rate for the <br /> total amount needed? <br /> i. Jean: I think that's too much for <br /> this point in the process. Let's do <br /> that when we get the final product <br /> and talk about how to fund it <br /> ii. Renee: suggest Gary has that <br /> ready to go just in case because <br /> that question comes up frequently <br /> — don't include in slides or <br /> narrative just have available <br />