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11 <br /> 11. Oblijzation of Funds. Grant Funds provided by the 911 Board may not be utilized to <br /> reimburse expenses incurred by Grantee from its General Fund or any other funds prior to the <br /> Effective Date or subsequent to the End Date. All unpaid obligations incurred prior to the End <br /> Date shall be paid and satisfied by Grantee within thirty (30) days thereafter. Grant Funds shall <br /> be deobligated if not expended in the time and manner agreed herein. The 911 Board may <br /> deobligate all or part of the awarded funds if: <br /> a. The actual cost of goods or services identified in the Grant budget funded by the <br /> Grant award is less than the total award, or <br /> b. If the Grantee does not complete the project by the end of the Term of the <br /> Agreement, set forth in Section 5 of this Agreement. <br /> If Grant Funds are not expended within the term of this Agreement and manner agreed herein, and <br /> in compliance with the project schedule and budget,the Board shall provide notice of deobligation <br /> of such Grant Funds to the Grantee. Notice of deobligation shall provide an effective date of <br /> deobligation which shall not be less than thirty (30) days after the date of the notice. <br /> 12. Project Records. <br /> a. Grantee shall maintain full, accurate and verifiable financial records, supporting <br /> documents, and all other pertinent data for this Project in such a manner so as to identify <br /> and document clearly the expenditure of Grant Funds provided under this Agreement, <br /> separate from accounts for other awards, monetary contributions, or other revenue sources <br /> for this Project. <br /> b. Grantee shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, and all other <br /> pertinent records related to the Project for five (5) years from the End Date. In the event <br /> such records are audited,all Project records shall be retained beyond such three-year period <br /> until any and all audit findings have been resolved. <br /> C. Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §143C-6-23, and §147-64.7, Grantee agrees to make <br /> available to the State Auditor, Board, or designated representatives of the foregoing, all of <br /> its records that relate to the Project,and agrees to allow the 911 Board or its representative <br /> to audit, examine and copy any and all data, documents,proceedings, records and notes of <br /> activity relating in any way to the Project. Access to these records shall be allowed upon <br /> request at any time during normal business hours and as often as the 911 Board or its <br /> representative may deem necessary. <br /> d. Grantee acknowledges and agrees that it will be subject to the audit and reporting <br /> requirements prescribed by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143C-6-23 et seq. and Non-State Entities <br /> Receiving State Funds or N.C. Gen. Stat. §159-34, The Local Government Budget and <br /> Fiscal Control Act-Annual Independent Audit;Rules and Regulations as applicable. Such <br /> audit and reporting requirements may vary depending upon the amount and source of <br /> funding received by Grantee, and such are subject to change from time to time. Grantee <br /> shall constantly monitor all performance under Grant-supported activities, including <br /> activities performed by Subgrantees,to ensure that time schedules are being met,projected <br /> work units by time periods are being accomplished, and other performance goals are being <br /> achieved. Such obligations to comply with the Board's or other agency's monitoring <br /> activities shall survive grant closeout and the termination of this Agreement. <br /> Page 9 of 21 <br />