Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> A motion was made by Council Member Posada seconded by Council Member Fray to <br /> approve the following resolution: <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO APPENDIX A OF THE WATER AND <br /> SEWER MANAGEMENT, PLANNING AND BOUNDARY AGREEMENT (WASMPBA) TO <br /> DESIGNATE 360.23 ACRES IN THE SOUTHEAST CHAPEL HILL AREA AS "OWASA <br /> PRIMARY SERVICE AREA" <br /> WHEREAS, in 2001, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, Orange County, and the Orange <br /> County Water and Sewer Authority ("OWASA") adopted a Water and Sewer Management, <br /> Planning and Boundary Agreement("Agreement"); and <br /> WHEREAS, amendments to the agreement require the unanimous approval of all signatories; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Agreement was last amended on November 17, 2020; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Chamber for a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro submitted a petition to the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill on June 14, 2023, requesting that the Town extend the water and sewer boundary <br /> along the US 15-501 South corridor to the Chatham County line; and <br /> WHEREAS, the petition notes that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area is experiencing significant <br /> pressure on the housing supply which is causing prices of housing to increase by up to 20 percent <br /> per year; and <br /> WHEREAS, the petition also notes that approximately 43,000 workers commute into Chapel Hill <br /> daily; and <br /> WHEREAS, OWASA's Primary Service Area(Urban Services Area) is where water and/or <br /> sewer service is now provided or might reasonably be provided in the future; and <br /> WHEREAS, expanding the Primary Service Area to the Chatham County line will enable <br /> opportunities to expand housing diversity and bring more housing adjacent to a potential transit <br /> corridor; and <br /> WHEREAS, the 139 lots or portions of lots of Proposed New Service Area as shown on the <br /> map attached hereto, constituting a total area of approximately 360.23 acres, has been <br /> reviewed by OWASA and is technically feasible for provision of both water and sewer <br /> service; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill adopted a resolution on November 15, 2023 approving an <br /> amendment to the water and sewer service boundary as described; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill has requested that its staff bring back steps and strategies <br /> to ensure that this proposed service expansion aligns with the Town's Climate Action plan and <br /> its goals of increasing middle housing (including but not limited to townhomes, triplexes, <br /> quadplexes, cottage courts) along with multi-modal infrastructure in this area. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carrboro Town Council that it approves <br /> amending Appendix A of the Agreement to designate approximately 360.23 acres in the <br /> southeast Chapel Hill area as an addition to the "OWASA Primary Service Area", as shown on <br /> the map attached hereto. <br /> This the 6th day of February in the year 2024. <br />