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4 <br /> possibly spend money. He said that he was informed that the magistrates, particularly in <br /> Hillsborough, have too many requests to perform marriage ceremonies because it is an idyllic <br /> location with plenty of parking. He said it brings in more money than it costs. He said that <br /> magistrates are turning away people with marriage licenses from counties other than Orange or <br /> Chatham because they don't have time to respond to all of the requests. <br /> (Commissioner McKee arrived at 7:16 p.m.) <br /> Scot Shepard said he lives in the Collins Creek neighborhood and wanted to speak on the <br /> proposed solid waste facility process. He said it was hard to figure out where things were, and <br /> he wants to know where things are going next. He said there are people doing work on the land <br /> in the proposal. He asked what the status is and if they don't know, when will they know. <br /> Chair Bedford said that the Board typically does not respond to public comments, but that <br /> there was an information item in the agenda packet for the December 4, 2023 BOCC business <br /> meeting that had an update on the solid waste facility proposal. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Fowler had no comments. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she attended the Alliance board meeting. She said that local <br /> management for Alliance will be expanding with the addition of Harnett County. She said she <br /> officially filed for re-election to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Vice-Chair Greene said she along with several others attended the dedication of the Pauli <br /> Murray mural on the side of the Sportsplex building, which was sponsored by the Racial Justice <br /> Commission and the Office of Equity and Inclusion. She encouraged everyone to see it. She <br /> said she and Commissioners McKee and Portie-Ascott attended a meeting of Justice United <br /> where the topic was Lumos and broadband implementation. She said there were representatives <br /> from Lumos who did a good job answering questions about the status of the implementation. She <br /> said she and Commissioner Fowler attended the Master Aging Plan quarterly meeting. She said <br /> the Department on Aging won an award from AARP. She said there is planning between the <br /> DCHC MPO and the Capital Area MPO to develop the next metropolitan transportation plan called <br /> Destination 2055. She said that the public can submit input and ideas at <br /> Chair Bedford wished everyone happy holidays. <br /> Commissioner Richards said she went to the Behavioral Health Task Force quarterly <br /> meeting, where they received an update on the diversion facility and mental health plans. She <br /> said she went to the Family Success Alliance advisory meeting, where they received a <br /> presentation by Safe Kids Orange County. She said they have a gun cable lock program for gun <br /> safety, a new safe driver program, and a medication disposal program. She said they have <br /> educated 625 Orange County Schools students on fire and burn safety. She said she was very <br /> happy to see on the consent agenda an amendment for the Housing Choice voucher program. <br /> She said they are adding money because they have placed more housing clients on vouchers <br /> than anticipated, which she congratulated them for. <br /> Commissioner McKee said community meetings for Lumos will continue to occur as the <br /> project moves through different phases. He wished everyone happy holidays. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she and Vice-Chair Greene and Commissioner Fowler <br /> attended the Habitat for Orange five-year strategic planning presentation. She said since 1984 <br /> they have built over 350 homes and repaired over 250 in Orange County. She said they have a <br /> plan to serve more families and advocate for housing access. She said their goal is to build 140 <br />