Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> Slide#1 <br /> N49=_;6_1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Community Climate <br /> Action Grant (CCAG) <br /> Project Selection FY23-24 <br /> December 12, 2023 <br /> Slide #2 <br /> CCAG Background <br /> • /4 cent property tax for climate action approved <br /> beginning in FY 19-20 <br /> • First year projects run by County entities <br /> • FY20-21 and future projects open to community <br /> through grant program <br /> • Scoring and eligibility guidelines created by the BOCC <br /> • Projects prioritized with social justice and racial equity <br /> benefits <br /> • Community focus <br /> Slide #3 <br /> CCAG Eligibility Guidelines <br /> • Non-profits, public entities, and small <br /> businesses <br /> • All funds spent in Orange County <br /> • Must have legal standing to receive funds <br /> • Ongoing projects eligible if expanding or <br /> accelerating <br /> • Replacement and repair projects are eligible if <br /> not likely to be funded within 5 years <br />