Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Slide#19 <br /> • <br /> 8 <br /> • <br /> Commissioner Richards asked how long it would take to get an employee to manage the <br /> process. <br /> Quintana Stewart said she wasn't sure because several surrounding counties have the <br /> position and she does not think it would take too long. <br /> Commissioner Richards discussed the timeline and asked if there was a way to either compress <br /> the cycle or wait and get the strategic part first before more funding is allocated. <br /> Quintana Stewart said yes and that it could be done together. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if new organizations can participate in future funding <br /> requests. <br /> Quintana Stewart said yes. <br /> Chair Bedford asked how hiring a coordinator is not administrative overhead. <br /> Quintana Stewart said it is listed on the deliverables in the MOA and included for the <br /> county. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if prior awardees would have to apply again for year three. <br /> Quintana Stewart said yes. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if they require reports from the recipients to see how the <br /> funds are being spent. <br /> Quintana Stewart said yes that is a requirement for the award. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked who looks at the outcome measures that are reported to <br /> the county. <br /> Quintana Stewart said that would be part of the coordinator's job. She said it would be <br /> reported to the state and back to the committee. She said that the metrics are also in the contracts <br /> for those organizations that are funded. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked Quintana Stewart to review the formula for deciding <br /> how much each organization would receive. <br /> Quintana Stewart said there wasn't a formula. <br /> Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how $20,000 was decided for Grow Your World. <br /> Quintana Stewart said it was based on the allowable requested expenses. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the coordinator position would be more than part time. <br /> Quintana Stewart said yes because they will be working with all partners and making sure <br /> that efforts are not being duplicated. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked how the committee was formulated and how the roles were <br /> determined. <br /> Quintana Stewart said the committee is appointed by the Board. She said that a <br /> subcommittee was created to review applications and then their analysis was brought back to the <br /> full committee. She said there is another subcommittee that works on the public meeting. <br />