Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Slide #13 <br /> Funding Recommendations <br /> Grow Your World <br /> •Option A, Strategy 6 (Early Intervention) <br /> -Funding Period — January 1, 2024 — June 3O, zo24 <br /> Funding recommendation - $2o,000 <br /> -Provider — GrowYour World <br /> *Description of Activity - <br /> - Provide materials and training to youth-serving community <br /> members to equip them to better support youth facing the opioid <br /> crisis. <br /> - Per the proposal narrative/bud et, the committee would like to <br /> support the naloxone, CPR and-Mental Health First Aid community <br /> training program. <br /> Quintana Stewart said that the Grow Your World proposal had activities that were not <br /> specific to opioid use mitigation. She said they tried to pull out parts of the proposal that funds <br /> could be used to cover. She said there were parts they could use and they were able to cover <br /> those for two years. <br /> Slide #14 <br /> Funding Recommendations <br /> Transition & Support Recovery Collaboration <br /> • Option A, Strategy 3 and 12 (Recovery Support Services and Reentry <br /> Programs) <br /> • Funding Period —January 1, 2024—June 30, 2024 <br /> • Funding recommendation - $20,000.00 <br /> • Provider—Transition & Support Recovery Collaboration <br /> • Description of Activity— <br /> • The Transition Recovery and Support Collaborative(TSRC) is a five-partner mutual <br /> effort to provide direct Recovery Support Services and Reentry Programs to those <br /> with opioid use disorders, related substance use disorders and other comorbidities. <br /> TSRC's role is to collaboratively augment and extend clinical and other traditional <br /> evidence-based addiction treatment services for these disorders and comorbidities. <br /> The Collaborative is led by Wounded Healers of North Carolina(a 5oi(c)(3)). <br /> • Per the proposal narrative/budget,the committee would like to support the <br /> purchase of the Reentry Peer Support Specialist Curriculum from Texas. <br /> Quintana Stewart said it is a collaboration and not just one program. She said it is a five- <br /> partner mutual collaboration. She said they will purchase training to train other peer support <br /> specialists. <br />