Orange County NC Website
rock, or other natural objects. The Street Department and /or Planning Department <br />is authorized to remove signs that are placed in illegal locations and/or are not <br />removed as stated above, <br />o) Banners or flags that are decorative or seasonal in nature or that are displayed in <br />connection with the observance of holidays or other special events, including <br />Olympic banners or flags, not to exceed three (3) per lot located in any zoning <br />district This does not include special We events of for - profit organizations. <br />8.5 General Limitations <br />a) Freestanding si�riM shall be securely fastened to the ground or to some other <br />substantial supportive structure so that there is virtually no danger that either the <br />sin or the supportive structure may be moved by the wind or other forces of <br />nature and cause injury to persons or property <br />b) All non - exempt signs shall comply with the construction requirements of the <br />North Carolina State Building Code Trailer mounted signs do not meet these <br />requirements, Temporary s_ians, both new and existing, other than those expressly <br />allowed in this Ordinance, are prohibited. <br />c) Portable signs are also prohibited <br />d) New off - premises signs signs that draw attention to or otherwise communicate <br />information about a business, service, commodity, accommodation, attraction, or <br />other activity that is conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than the <br />premises on which the sign is located) are prohibited. Existing off- premises suns <br />can remain if erected before August 19, 1985.. <br />e) Devices consisting of flags other than those exempted by Section 8.4, banners, <br />streamers, pennants, windblown propellers, balloons, strung light bulbs, rotating <br />or other moving or apparently moving installations are prohibited. <br />f) Banners of a community service, non - commercial nature may be installed at <br />locations established by the Town Manager for a period not to exceed two (2) <br />weeks, although extensions may be granted. The Zoning Officer has the authority <br />to review applications for conformity to this section, issue banner permits to each <br />applicant, and grant time extensions if necessary. Banners shall conform to <br />written standards and safety guidelines as established by the Zoning Officer <br />8.6 Traffic Safety Precautions <br />Notwithstanding any other provisions in this Ordinance, the following practices in <br />relation to signs are prohibited in order to preserve the safety of pedestrian and vehicular <br />movement. <br />a) No permanent signs shall be erected so that any part of it obstructs the view of <br />traffic through the sight preservation triangle <br />b) No privately owned sign shall use words such as "stop ", "slow ", caution ", <br />"danger ", or similar admonitions which could be confused with traffic directional <br />suns erected by government agencies. <br />c) No sign shall be erected so that, by its location, color, nature, or message, it would <br />tend to be confused with or obstruct the view of traffic signals or suns or would <br />tend to be confused with the warning lights of an emergency or public safety <br />vehicle. <br />Gam] <br />