Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Section I <br /> 2005: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or 2004: No net increase in capacity at Elementary <br /> High School levels. level. No changes at Middle or High School <br /> 2006: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or levels. <br /> High School levels. 2005: An increase in capacity of 100 at <br /> 2007: An increase of 800 at the High School Hillsborough Elementary with the completion of <br /> level with the opening of Carrboro High School. renovations. <br /> 2008: An increase of 323 at the Elementary 2006: An increase in capacity of 700 at the <br /> School level due to the opening of Morris Grove Middle School level with the completion of <br /> Elementary School and the implementation of Gravelly Hill Middle School and an increase of 15 <br /> the 1:21 class size ratio in grades K-3 at the High School level with the temporary <br /> 2009: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or location of Partnership Academy Alternative <br /> High School levels. School. An increase of 2 at the Elementary level <br /> 2010: An increase in capacity of 40 students at due to a change in the capacity calculation for each <br /> the High School level with Phoenix Academy grade at each school. <br /> High School becoming official high school 2007: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or High <br /> within the district School levels. <br /> 2011: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or 2008: A decrease of 228 at the Elementary School <br /> High School levels. level due to the implementation of the 1:21 class <br /> 2012: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or size ratio in grades K-3 and an increase of 25 at <br /> High School levels. the High School level with the completion of the <br /> 2013: An increase in capacity of 585 students new Partnership Academy Alternative School. <br /> due to the opening of Northside Elementary 2009: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or High <br /> School. School levels. <br /> 2014: An increase in capacity of 104 students 2010: No changes at Elementary,Middle, or High <br /> due to the opening of the Culbreth Middle School levels. <br /> School addition. 2011: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or High <br /> 2015: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or School levels. <br /> High School levels. 2012: No changes at Elementary or Middle School <br /> 2016: No changes at Elementary, Middle, or levels. A decrease of 119 at High School level as <br /> High School levels. a result of a N.C. Department of Public Instruction <br /> (DPI) study. <br /> 3 <br />