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3 <br /> is the property tax billing and collection rate; the billing collection rate is currently 97% as compared to <br /> 96.5%the prior fiscal year. The final collection rate is projected to be consistent with the budgeted <br /> amount of 99.2%for real and personal property. <br /> • Motor vehicles taxes which is a sub-category in the Property Tax category in the table above are 52.6% <br /> of the Motor Vehicle budget as compared to 55.3% in the prior fiscal year. The budgeted amount is <br /> projected to be achieved here as well. The State remits this tax to the County monthly. Motor vehicle <br /> taxes are payable on the vehicle renewal date and the tax is based on the market value of the vehicle. FY 2023-24 <br /> Motor Vehicles are $6.7 million as compared to $6.3 million the prior fiscal year. <br /> • Sales Tax for Articles 39, 40, 42 and Hold Harmless amounts are recorded in the General Fund. The year- <br /> to-date sales tax has increased by 4% compared to the same period last year. This is a marked difference <br /> from the 22% increase in the same period from the prior fiscal year. This slower rate of growth was <br /> factored into the budget and attributed to reduced inflation. It is important to notate the three-month <br /> lag in collections; the second quarter report only accounts for three months of sales tax collections, this <br /> lag was illustrated in the first quarter report. <br /> • Charges for services are 40.6% of the budget as compared to 48.2%the prior fiscal year. Two key <br /> revenue sources in this category are Emergency Charges and Register of Deeds Excise Stamps. This <br /> percent decline is attributed primarily to Emergency Medical Charges (Ambulance billings). <br /> Emergency Medical Charges. Emergency Medical Charges collections are $2 million or 38.6% of budget <br /> as compared to $2.9 million or 77.6% the prior fiscal year. Staff is in discussion with the Tax Office and <br /> Emergency Services to determine how much of this decline is due to timing versus performance, and <br /> requisite corrective actions. <br /> Excise Stamps (Real Estate Transfers). Excise Stamps have decreased to $718,598 or 56% of the budget <br /> compared to $792, 259 or 45.3% of the budget through the second quarter in the prior fiscal year. <br /> These real estate transfers are recorded each month and they reflect the number of real estate <br /> transactions and sales. <br /> • Investment Earning returns to date are $482,386 compared to $397,742 the prior year. The County's <br /> investment policy emphasizes Safety, Liquidity and Yield in that priority order. The investment portfolio <br /> consist primarily of U.S. Treasuries, Federal Agencies, and Overnight Repurchase Agreements which are <br /> all highly rated securities and comply with the North Carolina Permitted Investments statutes. The <br /> investment portfolio is currently yielding 5.25%, which is consistent with the prior fiscal year. The higher <br /> idle cash balances have been invested in the aforementioned securities to meet the projected budget. <br /> 3 <br />