Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 ‐ Community Climate Action Grant Project Status  * 54 Panel bi‐facial solar pedestal and two EV chargers; ** Chapel Hill and East Chapel Hill High School and Morris Grove and Northside Elementary receiving solar (installation August 2024) Fiscal Year Project  Organization Award Amount Estimated Annual GHG Reduction metric tons CO2e Project Status 19‐20  Solar for Schools* Orange County Schools$150,000 82In progress19‐20  Solar for Schools** Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools $150,000 194In progress19‐20  Supplemental Weatherization Orange County$150,000 22 In progress19‐20  LED Light Campaign* Orange County$19,272 10.5 COMPLETED   20‐21  Tree Planting Program Town of Chapel Hill$40,000 533lbsPlanting trees now20‐21  Electric Vehicle Charging Station Town of Chapel Hill$18,500 6COMPLETED20‐21  Cedar Falls Park LED Light Conversion  Town of Chapel Hill$128,057 9  COMPLETED20‐21  Cane Creek Reservoir 352.4 kW Solar OWASA$75,000 119 COMPLETED20‐21  Water heater replacements NAACP$122,100 26 In progress20‐21  Solar Panels on Affordable Habitat Homes Habitat for Humanity of Orange County  $95,000 43  COMPLETED   21‐22  Low Income HVAC Replacement Rebuilding Together of the Triangle $113,000 34 In progress21‐22  Neighborhood Energy Resiliency ProjectNC Sustainable Energy Association $90,000 10 In progress21‐22  Food Waste Monitor Eno River Farmer’s Market$4,000 37COMPLETED21‐22  Food Waste Monitor Town of Carrboro$3,765 44 In progress21‐22  Bike Rack and EV Charging Station The ArtsCenter$17,000 6COMPLETED21‐22  203 Project Solar Array and Green RoofTown of Carrboro$40,567 See FY 22‐23In progress21‐22  Solar for Schools Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools $250,00 See FY 19‐20In progress   22‐23  Habitat Rooftop Solar Habitat for Humanity$100,000 70In progress22‐23  Weatherization Rebuilding Together of the Triangle $25,00026 In progress22‐23  Food Waste Monitors Eno River Farmers’ Market$4,500 37 In progress22‐23  203 Solar Project Town of Carrboro$40,575 23In progress22‐23  Fleet Electrification Project Town of Chapel Hill$50,000 33 In progress22‐23  Solar Roof The ArtsCenter$55,000 28 COMPLETED22‐23  Emission Reductions Through HVAC Replacements Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools $275,075 80 In progress   14DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DA01EE2-D61E-4F21-8905-BE343438D3ED