Orange County NC Website
11,250.00$ 11,650.00$ 11,650.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />Care Givers <br />Caregivers 150.00$ 150.00$ 250.00$ 100.00$ 66.7% <br />150.00$ 150.00$ 250.00$ 100.00$ 66.7% <br />Children and Youth Ministry's <br />Children's Events 500.00$ 500.00$ 400.00$ (100.00)$ -20.0% <br />Youth 700.00$ 700.00$ 500.00$ (200.00)$ -28.6% <br />1,200.00$ 1,200.00$ 900.00$ (300.00)$ -25.0% <br />Outreach <br />Community Outreach 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />Education <br />Event Registrations 600.00$ 600.00$ 500.00$ (100.00)$ -16.7% <br />Sunday School Literature 200.00$ 200.00$ 200.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />800.00$ 800.00$ 700.00$ (100.00)$ -12.5% <br />Music and Worship <br />Audio/Video 350.00$ 350.00$ 250.00$ (100.00)$ -28.6% <br />Music & Choir 150.00$ 150.00$ 100.00$ (50.00)$ -33.3% <br />Piano Maint 160.00$ 160.00$ 100.00$ (60.00)$ -37.5% <br />Worship Supplies 720.00$ 720.00$ 720.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />Licensing 277.00$ 277.00$ 277.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />Temp Pianist -$ <br />1,657.00$ 1,657.00$ 1,447.00$ (210.00)$ -12.7% <br />Special Occasions <br />Special Occasions 750.00$ 750.00$ 750.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />750.00$ 750.00$ 750.00$ -$ 0.0% <br />Personnel - Pastor <br />Annuity 10,010.00$ 11,585.00$ 12,885.00$ 1,300.00$ 11.2% <br />Health Insurance 5,000.00$ 5,200.00$ 5,300.00$ 100.00$ 1.9% <br />Social Security Offset 1,776.00$ 1,856.00$ 1,940.00$ 84.00$ 4.5% <br />Labor Burden Subtotal 16,786.00$ 18,641.00$ 20,125.00$ 1,484.00$ 8.0% <br />Housing Allowance 25,200.00$ 26,335.00$ 27,525.00$ 1,190.00$ 4.5% <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DA01EE2-D61E-4F21-8905-BE343438D3ED