Orange County NC Website
P a g e 8 o f 15 <br /> <br /> <br />Collaborators and Partners <br /> <br />In some projects, collaborators and partners provide essential capacity and connections. If collaborators <br />or partners are an essential part of your project whether or not they are receiving grant funds, please <br />use this section to provide more details. If you are not working with collaborators or partners, please <br />feel free to write N/A in this section and move to the Social Justice and Racial Equity section. <br />13. Please describe one to three <br />key partnerships/collaborations <br />that add the most value to the <br />success of the proposed <br />project: <br /> <br /> <br />na <br /> <br /> <br />Criterion 1 - Social Justice and Racial Equity <br /> <br />14. Who will directly or indirectly <br />benefit from your project? <br />Please be as specific as possible <br />on the characteristics of those <br />who will benefit including, <br />gender, race, age, income level <br />and geographic location. <br /> <br />Also, what are the <br />demographics of the area <br />where your project takes <br />place? <br /> <br />Does your project help to <br />address any racial disparities in <br />the location it is proposed for? <br /> <br />Please list any data sources <br />used and show the steps of any <br />calculations: <br />The project will of course most directly benefit the <br />members of Hillsborough United Church of Christ. We <br />believe however that ultimately it benefits the entire <br />community by reducing the use of fossil fuels and <br />degradation of the environment. <br /> <br /> <br /> SEE Attached sheet for Demographics. <br /> <br />The project does not directly address racial disparities <br />directly. Yet at the same time it is well documented that <br />persons of color and those in poverty are most impacted <br />by climate change, the project does help to deal with some <br />of the effects of climate change on those populations. <br />15. Please describe any ways in <br />which low‐income or <br />marginalized <br />communities/households were <br />engaged in the creation of this <br />project proposal: <br />Hillsborough UCC is a diverse community and all persons <br />in the community have been engaged in the process of <br />development of and approval of this project. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DA01EE2-D61E-4F21-8905-BE343438D3ED