2-7-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
2-7-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
2/6/2024 8:22:42 PM
Creation date
2/6/2024 8:17:17 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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9 <br /> 151 evening, and you might have questions, and we also have other staff here to help answer with those. At this <br /> 152 time, I'm going to hand it over to the applicant for them to do their presentation, and then I will come back up, <br /> 153 and we will go over the staff analysis, recommendation, and answer any questions you all may have. <br /> 154 <br /> 155 Statler Gilfillen: I am unclear of something that you just said about the access road in there. <br /> 156 <br /> 157 Ashley Moncado: Yes. <br /> 158 <br /> 159 Statler Gilfillen: Is there a conflict between this proposal and the County about the road? Did I hear that? <br /> 160 <br /> 161 Ashley Moncado: We can answer that question now, but that might be to after the applicant speaks. <br /> 162 <br /> 163 Statler Gilfillen: I'll put it on the table. You can answer it later. <br /> 164 <br /> 165 Ashley Moncado: Yes. We have conditions, and we also have David Stancil, who is with Orange County <br /> 166 DEAPR is also here to discuss and answer questions for you this evening. <br /> 167 <br /> 168 Adam Beeman: Good evening. Just to let you know, we have a time limit for your presentation. Do you <br /> 169 think that's possible? <br /> 170 <br /> 171 Craig Nishimoto: Yes. Okay, I'm going to deviate from what I had planned. I, in my mind, envisioned more <br /> 172 public, so, less experts, but I want to address it as much as possible to you guys now and give you time to <br /> 173 pepper me with questions maybe later, because ultimately what I'd like you guys to leave with is feeling <br /> 174 confident that you can write to the Board of County Commissioners. There's the cell tower from the road. <br /> 175 That's where we're building the property. It's not along the road. It's quite far away. Most of my argument is in <br /> 176 the documents. That's where you're going to find all the meat. It's not going to be in this presentation, but the <br /> 177 detailed narrative is where I lay it all out, my case. It provides the fullest account of what we are doing and <br /> 178 why. It argues that there's a strong alignment between our proposal and the County's 2030 Comprehensive <br /> 179 Land Use Plan, which I understand is supposed to be guiding these decisions. That document shows that an <br /> 180 advance would be made on 14 separate County goals and 34 separate County objectives, and the arguments <br /> 181 for why, and then, possibly most importantly, it directly addresses the concerns related to the use or use of the <br /> 182 Rural Buffer. My understanding is this is somewhat precedent setting for the Rural Buffer, and so we want to <br /> 183 focus on making sure people are comfortable with that. You might be surprised the ASE-CD agricultural <br /> 184 zoning, my argument for why this is appropriate is there. Another precedent setting thing. <br /> 185 <br /> 186 Charity Kirk: Can rather than continuing to refer to the document, I strongly suggest you assume that <br /> 187 we have skimmed the documents. We haven't fully read every single page. I would just make that assumption <br /> 188 that not all Board members have done that, so you might want to elaborate your conversation a little bit with <br /> 189 us. <br /> 190 <br /> 191 Craig Nishimoto: Well, we can start here. Although I can imagine going in so many different ways now if <br /> 192 we haven't done the background reading. If I want to focus, knowing that we have limited time, what is the <br /> 193 most important? Are you concerned about ASE-CD zoning, or should we skip that? <br /> 194 <br /> 195 Adam Beeman: Are you concerned about the agricultural designation? If you have an issue with <br /> 196 agricultural designation, that's what he's going to discuss. If not, we can move on with, to the next part of his <br /> 197 thing. So, at the end of the day, there was a discussion in the paperwork about whether or not the lumber <br /> 198 work, lumber, the tree work that you do actually qualifies as agricultural or not. That was the potential <br /> 199 discussion? Am I correct? <br /> 200 <br />
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