2-7-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
2-7-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
2/6/2024 8:22:42 PM
Creation date
2/6/2024 8:17:17 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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21 <br /> 747 Craig Nishimoto: I think it's completely harmonious. One: because County athletic fields, when are they <br /> 748 used? They're used on weekends or well after school lets out. We are not there. We're done unless it's a <br /> 749 storm or an emergency when the soccer fields are probably not gonna be used anyways. So, you're just not <br /> 750 going to see our trucks, or you might see our trucks, but they're not gonna be very many of them. So, I don't <br /> 751 think this is a problem. I think there's plenty of land out there. There's 74 acres or whatever it is. I'm hoping <br /> 752 they can build all six soccer fields and a bunch of baseball fields as well. <br /> 753 <br /> 754 David Stancil: I have to be a bit careful in how I answer this. I should've said this at the beginning when <br /> 755 1 first got up here, but this is a very odd position for Orange County to be in because we are both the regulator, <br /> 756 the Planning Department and staff. And you, the Planning Board, the County Commissioners, will be <br /> 757 considering the regulatory matter of this rezoning. I'm here wearing the hat of Orange County's adjacent <br /> 758 landowner, and an adjacent landowner that has plans for development of the property. So, there certainly is a <br /> 759 great need for additional soccer fields and other playing fields in our community. We have already seen. 1 <br /> 760 don't know how many of you go by Cedar Falls Park and Chapel Hill and see the one sole artificial turf field <br /> 761 that is used all day long in almost any weather. So, it's heavily used. The demand is certainly there, and that <br /> 762 is gonna continue to be the case, and the idea of having a soccer center for Southern Orange County has <br /> 763 been a very high priority of ours and, I think, of the town Chapel Hills for some time now. But the nature of this <br /> 764 rezoning request and what is being proposed, I really can't speak to the appropriateness of that, except to say <br /> 765 that we do think that the northerly access route that we've come up with and talked about today is certainly far <br /> 766 preferable to anything that would separate part of our property from the rest of it because the current access <br /> 767 road is in a location, unfortunately, where it keeps some of the land that's gonna be used for the soccer center <br /> 768 separated from the rest of it, and so something that gets us away from that is preferable to us. But in terms of, <br /> 769 you know, the agricultural sport as it applies to zoning category in this particular request, I have to stand mute <br /> 770 on that. <br /> 771 <br /> 772 Beth Bronson: Can you describe one more time for us why the southern expansion was no longer <br /> 773 considered preferable? <br /> 774 <br /> 775 David Stancil: Well, it requires a stream crossing that is wider and further east. So, it would create more <br /> 776 of an ecological concern by crossing the stream at that point than the way it is currently planned and the <br /> 777 location that the applicant has planned for in this new arrangement is still gonna be the same place because <br /> 778 we would wrap around and come in at the same point. That's the main reason. <br /> 779 <br /> 780 Beth Bronson: I'm thinking that it would require therefore more further east, but if you were thinking about <br /> 781 expanding into a complete new— like if you had plans for all the surrounding parcels, even though you don't <br /> 782 have a master plan ready, would you not consider going in southern and making a larger more expansive <br /> 783 entryway for a soccer pavilion location? I mean I'm just thinking about like the fields. That's quite a <br /> 784 driveway. And just why wouldn't you have a plan to do that with this one as well? <br /> 785 <br /> 786 David Stancil: Again, my comment there was solely about access to this property. Yes, you're right. <br /> 787 When we do a master plan for this facility, we will need to have a fairly significant ingress and egress for how <br /> 788 that facility's gonna work, but we're not in a place right now to say it would be here on Millhouse Road or it <br /> 789 would be to the north. The issue of the southern route, it's also longer. I didn't mention that as well, but it's a <br /> 790 longer route as well, so that's the reason we think the northern approach that we've come up with today is <br /> 791 preferable to us. <br /> 792 <br /> 793 Adam Beeman: So, if you follow the north path and you come down, where you would come down in your <br /> 794 potential, is that wooded or is that open field where you would come through? Because I'm understanding that <br /> 795 the southern route is heavily forested, so there's a lot of trees to remove and all that. So, would you have all <br /> 796 that going northern, or is that just gonna come through field and you're just cutting a driveway? <br />
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