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17 <br /> 549 field has been in development for a while now, and I'd hate for them to have to hold on to something for 10 <br /> 550 plus years or whatever the case may be. Like, is there a plan to attach a timeline stipulation to it? <br /> 551 <br /> 552 Cy Stober: So as I said, negotiations are still ongoing. What I can do is defer to David Stancil, the <br /> 553 Director of DEAPR or to Craig Nishimoto regarding that point, and that could be a consideration that you all <br /> 554 make in your motion on this matter. <br /> 555 <br /> 556 Whitney Watson: And if I could go back, one more question. The condition we'll be voting on says that this <br /> 557 is anticipated to generate significant noise and operate during evening hours in the Rural Buffer. Is that <br /> 558 accurate? <br /> 559 <br /> 560 Craig Nishimoto: The only time I foresee operating in the evening hours would be in the event of a storm or <br /> 561 the direct aftermath of a storm. We start early, we end early. I imagine at some point wanting to have some <br /> 562 crew working and available on call on the weekend at least, but we're pretty silent after 3:00. Now there may <br /> 563 be one crew that gets back late, but it's not making a hurricane of noise. It's parking a truck, maybe dumping a <br /> 564 truck, and leaving with personal vehicle. <br /> 565 <br /> 566 Chris Johnston: If I could continue just, while we have the representative here, Mr. Stancil, regards to the <br /> 567 plans moving forward, I guess I come back to just the discomfort I have on timelines and stipulating things that <br /> 568 could happen far out in advance. In terms of the negotiations and that sort of thing, if we were to approve <br /> 569 something like this, I'd like to have an idea or understanding of where that's headed in terms of requirements <br /> 570 for the applicant. <br /> 571 <br /> 572 David Stancil: Our current Capital Investment Plan envisions that we will begin master planning for this <br /> 573 long-awaited soccer center for southern Orange County probably in the next year or so. We have a number of <br /> 574 sketches that we've done to date. We've owned the property since 2005 and originally it was envisioned to be <br /> 575 constructed as a joint project with the Town of Chapel Hill as primarily a soccer facility, but also some other <br /> 576 recreational uses in the middle of the last decade, but there were redirection of resources so ultimately, it's <br /> 577 been pushed back in the CIP, but we do currently have an adopted CIP that says we will begin engineering <br /> 578 drawings, constructions drawings in 2027, construction underway in 2028. 1 can tell you that I have been in <br /> 579 contact with the Town of Chapel Hill recently as well to make sure that this is still a priority project that's still in <br /> 580 their Capital Investment Plan and it is. I can also tell you that we have been in contact with a large soccer <br /> 581 organization in the last several months that is interested in jump-starting a few fields out there. That's a <br /> 582 conversation that's ongoing. I don't know exactly what that would mean right now in terms of how many fields, <br /> 583 how much parking would be needed and where the entry would be, but so I guess this is a long-winded way of <br /> 584 saying that I believe the intention is that this project is something that's three to four years out. I certainly hope <br /> 585 that it doesn't get pushed back another five to ten years because that's already happened once. Every year the <br /> 586 Board of Commissioners looks at the Capital Investment Plan every spring, and there are changes made every <br /> 587 year, so certainly, it could happen. <br /> 588 <br /> 589 Beth Bronson: Just to clarify, those soccer fields, theoretical soccer fields, are they adjacent County <br /> 590 parcels? <br /> 591 <br /> 592 David Stancil: Yeah. I don't know if we have a map yet. If you look at the property to the north, and the <br /> 593 property to the south of this site is the old landfill, and that's owned by Orange County, but it's not really usable <br /> 594 for anything other than low-impact recreation, possibly someday. But we're talking here about the property in <br /> 595 this map it would be the property that you see labeled as Orange County to the east, or the right, and then the <br /> 596 property to the north. So, we own 79 acres in total. We bought it back in 2005 and the idea at that time—this <br /> 597 was shortly after the 2001 bond referendum—was we have a soccer center, a soccer complex in Efland. We <br />