Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 5. Public Hearings <br /> 2 None. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 6. Regular Agenda <br /> 5 a. Orange County Public Schools Capital Needs Assessment Update <br /> 6 The Board received a final presentation of the Public Schools Capital Needs Assessment as <br /> 7 performed by Woolpert, Inc. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 BACKGROUND: At the Board of Commissioners' March 21, 2023 Business meeting, the Board <br /> 10 approved a contract with Woolpert, Inc. totaling $984,561 to provide a: <br /> 11 <br /> 12 • Comprehensive Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) <br /> 13 • Optimization Plan of Existing Space Utilization; and <br /> 14 • Examination of Prioritization Models, Benchmarking Best Practices and Scenarios for both <br /> 15 school districts that recognize the distinct structure of the County allocating funds to the <br /> 16 two school districts. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 The products of this study will help the County and School professionals better plan, manage and <br /> 19 fund new construction and maintenance of the thirty-one(31)school campuses and administrative <br /> 20 offices for the two (2) school districts. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 At the September 26, 2023 Joint Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, Chapel Hill <br /> 23 Carrboro City Schools Board of Education, and the Orange County Schools Board of Education, <br /> 24 representatives of Woolpert, Inc. provided an update on their efforts that included a summary of <br /> 25 the comprehensive facility condition assessment, an optimization plan of existing space utilization <br /> 26 and several funding scenarios options. The three governing bodies provided feedback, comments <br /> 27 and direction to the firm upon the completion of the presentation. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Woolpert, Inc. will be providing a final presentation, with recommendations, on the Public Schools <br /> 30 Capital Needs Assessment, as the effort nears completion (Attachment 1). A timeline of follow up <br /> 31 items necessary to implement the plan is provided at Attachment 2. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Steve Arndt, Asset Management Services Director, introduced Jessica Goodell, Rob <br /> 34 Olson, and David Sturtz and they gave the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Slide #1 <br /> GRANGE COUNTY <br /> 2023 NORTII CAROLINA <br /> LONG-RANGE ' <br /> APELHILL <br /> PLAN Ot �11J A(1FtC) <br /> OPTIONS ! ! 1 <br /> Board of Conimigsioners <br /> , <br /> 37 <br />