Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 elected members' consensus was to recommend scenario 3 with a caveat that the BOCC <br /> 2 mitigates the cost for low-income. She said they will come to the BOCC at a later meeting. She <br /> 3 said that Robert Williams gave an update on the waste facility and said there are other sites being <br /> 4 investigated before recommendations are brought to the Board. She said that she met with a <br /> 5 liaison from BCBS, and they talked about the need for a behavioral health diversion facility. She <br /> 6 said that the Youth Behavioral Health Center is open now and accepting youth patients. She said <br /> 7 the retreat planning committee met and they plan to discuss the strategic plan, the schools <br /> 8 facilities plan, a budget preview, a tax implementation, and planning. She said that the Clerk to <br /> 9 the Board will send a survey out for any other items Commissioners may want to discuss. She <br /> 10 said that related to the public comments, she petitioned staff to investigate and bring forward <br /> 11 information on watershed 2 vs. watershed 4. <br /> 12 Commissioner McKee said there will be another informational meeting on broadband and <br /> 13 the community meetings will continue as broadband phasing continues over the next year. He <br /> 14 said it needs to be completed by December 2024 and they are moving forward rapidly. He said <br /> 15 that he is glad he gets to work with Commissioner Richards for another year and they will miss <br /> 16 her when she is gone. He quoted former North Carolina Secretary of State Thad Eure and said <br /> 17 the only upside of Commissioner Richards not being on the Board would be that returns to being <br /> 18 "the oldest rat in the barn." <br /> 19 Chair Bedford said she attended the Board of Health subcommittee meeting on equity. <br /> 20 She said there are disproportionate health outcomes for people of color and Latino members of <br /> 21 the community. She said they are working with Alliance on that. She said that the following day <br /> 22 at 1:30 pm, there will be an unveiling of a portrait of Pauli Murray at the Sportsplex and everyone <br /> 23 is invited. She said the Human Rights Commission sponsored the portrait. <br /> 24 Vice-Chair Greene said she will also be at the community meeting about broadband. She <br /> 25 said she is a member of a subcommittee with DCHC-MPO that is paired with the CA-MPO and <br /> 26 they continue to have in depth discussions about rail planning in the region. She said that it is <br /> 27 unlikely it will occur in their lifetime. She said that the MPOs are working well together along with <br /> 28 GoTriangle. She said that UNC is working to transition from coal sourced energy and will be <br /> 29 decommissioning the rail line when that occurs. She said they will come to the Board with more <br /> 30 information when that happens. She said she watched the Town Council's discussion about <br /> 31 WASMPBA and there is a rule that no more stormwater leaves the property after development <br /> 32 than it did beforehand. She said that Planning Director Cy Stober said a state law has overridden <br /> 33 Chapel Hill's development rule. She petitioned planning staff to investigate this and confer with <br /> 34 Chapel Hill staff and report back on what they understand the stormwater rules to be. <br /> 35 Commissioner Portie-Ascott thanked Commissioner Richards for her service and her work <br /> 36 for the youth in Orange County. She said she attended the JCPC meeting and was surprised by <br /> 37 data presented there and how Orange County compared to other counties across the state. She <br /> 38 said some areas of concern for her were that Orange County youth are more likely than their <br /> 39 peers to: have prior felony referrals, less likely to attend school, more likely to have five or more <br /> 40 unexcused absences, to have an association with gangs, to have previous alcohol and drug use <br /> 41 starting at under 12, more likely to have mental health problems and less likely to be treatment, <br /> 42 more likely to be unengaged in structured activities. She said the committee noted that the largest <br /> 43 barrier to the youth receiving treatment is transportation. She said that she is grateful to the school <br /> 44 staff for being welcoming and accommodating during her recent tours. She said it was helpful for <br /> 45 her to see some of the capital needs in person. <br /> 46 Commissioner Hamilton said Commissioner Richards has been an invaluable member of <br /> 47 the Board and she has helped bring them to where they are. She said she attended the Central <br /> 48 Pines Executive Committee Meeting and works to understand regional initiatives and is also part <br /> 49 of the retreat planning committee. She said that she will be running for re-election. <br /> 50 Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she also filed for re-election. <br /> 51 <br />