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6 <br /> 1 $150,000 for a study and that there was nothing new discovered through the study. She said the <br /> 2 BOCC does not need to spend any money on that. <br /> 3 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked for clarification on the waitlist. <br /> 4 Carol Conway said the waitlist for the Innovations Waiver includes 285 in the county. She <br /> 5 said that provides services. She said there is no date on housing needs. <br /> 6 Commissioner Fowler said she has a son with autism. She said that all of this is <br /> 7 inconceivable, and she appreciates her continuing to advocate. She said they will keep pushing <br /> 8 the legislature. She said last year she was on the Alliance Board, and they opened up more seats <br /> 9 and there are now similar services for TBI. She said that they are not using all the slots they have <br /> 10 and are getting more slots at the state level than there is known need. She said she is serving on <br /> 11 IDAL (HOPE), and they are working on a pilot for housing in this area that could be spread to the <br /> 12 rest of the state. She said that is slow going. She said that the percentage of points serving for <br /> 13 disabilities and there needs to be more and how much more points they should get. She said that <br /> 14 she learned it is best to ask for 20%. <br /> 15 Commissioner Hamilton said she is the current representative on Alliance Health. She <br /> 16 asked her to reach out to her because she is still learning about all of the services. <br /> 17 Chair Bedford said Carol Conway runs PASSIVE and an email list. She said if anyone <br /> 18 wants to be added to learn more about the needs, to let her know and she will make sure they <br /> 19 get added to the list. She recently led a local forum with leaders and parents with children with <br /> 20 needs regarding housing. She said that the BOCC advocates every year with their legislative <br /> 21 delegation. She said that the county has$5 million available for affordable housing and nonprofits <br /> 22 to work with. She said that there is another $5 million in the years going forward for Affordable <br /> 23 Housing. She said that at 14, that is when the transition starts to occur for services. She said that <br /> 24 the children need to be placed on the waitlist for the Innovations Waiver as soon as possible. She <br /> 25 said anyone can get on the Innovations Waiver listsery on Alliance's website. She said that her <br /> 26 son is in the type of facility that there was contention amongst the state leaders on if they should <br /> 27 shut down or not. She said that Alliance has been very responsive to community needs. <br /> 28 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what type of housing she hopes will be created. <br /> 29 Carol Conway said she is advocating for ICF's, group homes, and affordable housing. <br /> 30 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked what is meant by affordable housing. She asked if that <br /> 31 is an apartment living program. <br /> 32 Carol Conway said yes. <br /> 33 Chair Bedford said she will give information to Commissioner Portie-Ascott for the listserv. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 The Board returned to Announcements, Petitions, and Comments by Board Members on <br /> 36 the agenda. <br /> 37 Commissioner Richards said since the last meeting, she attended the Orange Partnership <br /> 38 for Young Children, the Orange Partnership for Alcohol and Drug-Free Youth,the Justice Advisory <br /> 39 Council, and several other meetings with local partners. She said that when she came onto the <br /> 40 Board, her priorities were focused on youth and justice. She said that she is proud of the <br /> 41 accomplishments of the Board since she came on. She said when they go through this time of <br /> 42 year she starts looking back, and they have made great progress as a Board. She said they have <br /> 43 many accomplishments and said today was the first day of filing. She announced that she will not <br /> 44 run for re-election, but she has another year on the Board. She said she would like to focus on <br /> 45 the implementation of the strategic plan, opioid funding with a focus on youth prevention, and she <br /> 46 can be a free person in her advocacy in 2024 and will do so. She thanked all of Orange County <br /> 47 staff for their help and working with her during her time on the Board. <br /> 48 Commissioner Fowler said she does plan to file for re-election. She said she attended the <br /> 49 ABC Board meeting and they have hired a grant management company to streamline the grant <br /> 50 application process for non-profits and the application will be online in January 2024. She said <br /> 51 she had a SWAG meeting where they heard an update on the zero-waste plan and the SWAG <br />