Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 1 environmental impact on the Jordan Lake and University Lake Watershed. She said she has been <br /> 2 working with the Triangle Connectivity Collaborative, formerly the Eno-Uni Collective, and they <br /> 3 are working to plan for biodiversity and making sure the wildlife is thought of in planning. She said <br /> 4 there are excellent maps and a strategic plan that has been prepared by state experts that she <br /> 5 would like the Board to review. She asked that it become part of the Comprehensive Plan and <br /> 6 asked to be on the BOCC agenda one night. She asked the Board to carefully consider all <br /> 7 information. <br /> 8 Claudia Fernandez said she lives in Heritage Hills and three homes in the neighborhood <br /> 9 have recently flooded and they are very close to her home. She said she is very concerned about <br /> 10 the building plans by the Town of Chapel Hill. She said that the flooding did not happen before all <br /> 11 of the building around them. She said she has joined the Southern Neighborhood Alliance, and <br /> 12 they are trying to be heard. She said she votes for the BOCC and has no vote in other elections. <br /> 13 She said the Town of Chapel Hill is discussing a plan that is bigger than Southern Village and this <br /> 14 will reduce the permeable surface and her home is downstream of this. She said she echoes the <br /> 15 concerns others expressed tonight. She said there is broad concern in the neighborhood. She <br /> 16 said that she echoes those concerns and Dogwood Acres is also part of the concerned citizens. <br /> 17 She said they do not want to be washed away. <br /> 18 Joshua Setzer said he lives in Collins Creek. He said that on 10/6 there was a letter from <br /> 19 the Orange County Solid Waste Department about potential drilling at a future date and no date <br /> 20 had been identified. He said that on Friday, three trucks appeared, and no notifications went out <br /> 21 and the website was not updated as the letter indicated, and they assume the drilling happened <br /> 22 without notification. He said that getting information about the project and how it affects the <br /> 23 community has been difficult and he wants there to be follow through with what is said will happen <br /> 24 and what actually happens. He said that a memorandum would be helpful so that everyone could <br /> 25 be on the same page with this project. He asked the Board to consider this as a future agenda <br /> 26 item. <br /> 27 Allyson Shaffer said she lives in Collins Creek. She said that the proposed site has caused <br /> 28 a lot of concerns about well water, unforeseen issues related to climate change, and traffic. She <br /> 29 asked the Board to find an alternative site that is not residential. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 32 (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda below.) <br /> 33 <br /> 34 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> 35 Chair Bedford advanced to item 4 on the agenda. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> 38 <br /> 39 a. Presentation from the Orange County Consumer and Family Advisory Committee <br /> 40 The Board received a presentation from Carol Conway, Co-Chair of the Orange County <br /> 41 Consumer and Family Advisory Council. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 BACKGROUND: State legislation mandates that Alliance Health and each of North Carolina's <br /> 44 other behavioral health managed care organizations support and collaborate with an advisory <br /> 45 group of individuals and their family members. These groups are called Consumer and Family <br /> 46 Advisory Committees (CFAC's). Each county in Alliance Health's service area has its own CFAC. <br /> 47 Orange County's CFAC meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 State law charges each CFAC with the following responsibilities: <br /> 50 <br />