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10 <br /> 1 Slide #5 <br /> CONDITION ASSESSMENT FINDINGS <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Orange County Schools <br /> TotalTotal 5-Year Need-S297.2 Million :1Million <br /> Total 10-Year F I' Need-$399.7 Million <br /> ReplacemeritValue-$1 Billion Replacement <br /> Average Average 10-Year FCl- i% <br /> PFO Utilization Districhvide 85%:range <br /> range F 11. >120% <br /> are undersized undersized lf <br /> � ._ <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Chair Bedford asked the difference between replacement value and the ten-year need. <br /> 4 Jessica Goodell said that the replacement value is the theoretical cost to replace facilities <br /> 5 on the cost by square foot. She said that does not include site acquisitions or utilities. She said <br /> 6 the ten-year need is where the consultants went into the schools and charted the things that might <br /> 7 need to be replaced or things that might fail within the next ten years that would need to be <br /> 8 replaced. <br /> 9 Commissioner Richards asked if the replacement value includes optimal sizing of <br /> 10 classrooms or the existing. <br /> 11 Jessica Goodell said it is based on the existing square footage. <br /> 12 Commissioner Richards asked if the utilization at the ten-year projection considers <br /> 13 population and need plus the cost. <br /> 14 Jessica Goodell said that utilization is the number that is currently in the facility divided by <br /> 15 how many should be in the facility. <br /> 16 Commissioner Richards asked if it assumes the population stays flat. <br /> 17 David Sturtz said no. He said that the utilization numbers are based on the last official <br /> 18 enrollment number and the preliminary projections they were provided were reviewed. He said <br /> 19 they have been able to see the long-term trend is enrollment decline in CHCCS and flat enrollment <br /> 20 in OCS. <br /> 21 Commissioner Richards said that the only thing that gives her a little pause on that is that <br /> 22 her understanding is that there are a lot of students in OCS going to charter schools and that has <br /> 23 accelerated in recent years. <br /> 24 David Sturtz said projections were not in the scope to perform, but they do them relatively <br /> 25 often. He said that without doing the study he anticipates steady numbers simply based on his <br /> 26 observations and experience, but it was not part of the scope. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 <br />