Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 2.1.1 1 Public Engagement Timeline <br /> Throughout the Public Engagement process, GBB and RDCG held monthly team meetings with the Internal Team to provide updates, <br /> monitor progress,and adjust as needed.As shown in Figure 1,the public engagement effort was completed efficiently and on time,with <br /> the bulk of the public feedback activities happening in October,November,and December 2022. <br /> Public Engagement Timeline <br /> Jun 2022 4 Aug 2022 4 Oct 2022 4 4 Jan 2022 <br /> Deliver public Finalize written Delivery of options Delivery of public <br /> engagement public engagement and refinement of engagement <br /> presentation to strategy public engagement summary <br /> SWAG questions <br /> I I I I I I <br /> Feb Jun 2022 Jun-Aug 2022 Oct-Dec 2022 <br /> Initiate and develop public Webpage developed and published(ongoing Conduct public engagement activities <br /> engagement strategy with updates) (interviews,public meetings,listening <br /> • Press Release announcing website launch sessions,surveys)and outreach <br /> with call to action to stay informed <br /> • Outreach materials developed,finalized, <br /> and distributed <br /> • Continued refinement of public <br /> engagement strategy <br /> Figure 1 -Public Engagement Timeline <br /> COUNTYOrange County,North Carolina <br /> Solid Waste Master Plan:The Road to Zero Waste ORANGE <br /> August 2023 <br />