Orange County NC Website
O34 <br /> N <br /> Impacton Equity Impact Geography Lifecycle of impacts all Environmental Benefits/Air Quality <br /> Recommendation Publicinput Adjacent (RE:One Orange Coverage the Project Businesses& (see Appendix for tonnage projections) <br /> Systems Equity Framework) M Area Residences? <br /> Improved: <br /> Low estimate based on EPA: <br /> •Additional 15,000 tons of recycling <br /> Transportation •Additional 6,000 tons of organics <br /> Phased Master Plan for Significant structural/ Meets(w/ <br /> /Energy: High estimate based on EPA: <br /> 15 Facilities Eubanks Rd(Admin/ layout limitations and potential implementation how Whale Medium One-time Yes g <br /> Disposal Center)and/or adjacent community p at alternative County •Additional 47,000 tons of recycling <br /> alternate location(s)0 . concerns. reduction in site only). over now(not cumulative) <br /> miles traveled. •Additional 26,000 tons of organics <br /> over now(not cumulative organics) <br /> Transportation Env.Benefits/GHG Avoided <br /> Consolidation of SSR The public wants a /Energy: Whole <br /> 16 Facilities transfer and MSW "sustainable materials potential Pending Medium CountMedium One-time Yes Improved: <br /> transfer. management center." reduction in y -142,644 MTCO2E avoided <br /> miles traveled. •Equivalent to 32,000 cars taken off <br /> the road. <br /> (ResidentialImpact on SWPF <br /> Overwhelming support Wastewater <br /> 17 Programs Organics program for increased food from removing pending High Whole Short Annually Yes <br /> development. waste management organics from County $57.10 to$62.76 <br /> efforts. landfill. <br /> •Cumulative 40.2%-44.2%increase <br /> over current$142/yr. <br /> "Timeline:Quickwin(less than 1 year),1-2 years(short),3-5 years(medium),long 5+years(long) <br />