Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 6.3 1 Description of information,in the top three(3)most spoken languages among <br /> residents within the County's service area.This can be achieved <br /> Recommendations using nearby or national translators in combination with U.S. <br /> 6.3.1 Recommendation #1: Update Census data. Additionally, full utilization of the North Carolina <br /> Marketing (imagery; Public state resources will be critical. <br /> Education & Social Media); Achieving this recommendation means:focusing on all language <br /> Create a Rallying Point speakers in signage/messaging(fullyutilizing State resources)and <br /> Recommendation #1 includes updating Orange County's serving all community members. <br /> website's Solid Waste Management page, an essential tool for <br /> engaging residents in effective zero-waste practices. As such, <br /> this recommendation focuses on updating the website to show USE THE <br /> growth, progress, and revised guidance with updated images <br /> of recent events, recent office changes, updates to solid waste <br /> FaodNCr <br /> policies,and implementing the Road to Zero Waste Plan. FOOD WASTE STOPS WITH ME <br /> GBB recommends that the County continuously use and <br /> Figure 2•North Carolina's statewide food waste prevention <br /> update its website to show a clear, consistent, and engaging campaign isavailable in16languages. <br /> message. The publishing and posting of correlating social <br /> media posts are also recommended. Since the 2045 goal is <br /> 20 years away, the County should target interim indicator(s) <br /> of success in 2030, aligning with established education and <br /> business community goals. <br /> Achieving this recommendation means updating the website <br /> with zero waste imagery;featuring increased transparency <br /> about where materials are going once collected; ongoing <br /> public education and social media posting; expanding the <br /> use of the current Orange County NC Recycles App;creating a <br /> tangible interim zero waste rallying point for the community. <br /> 6.3.2 Recommendation #2: Focus <br /> on All Language Speakers in <br /> Signage/Messaging <br /> Recommendation #2 focuses on multilingual signs, which are <br /> important for the diverse community that the County serves. <br /> By guiding in multiple languages, the County will ensure that <br /> residents can understand the disposal information that the <br /> County seeks to convey to the community.This recommendation <br /> includes providing all interpretive educational materials, such <br /> as signs at the WRCs, brochures, mailers, cart decals, email <br /> blasts, and other County-provided solid waste and recycling <br /> COUNTYOrange County,North Carolina <br /> CAll1YFT}' August 2023 <br />