<br /> 4.4 1 Green Waste the quality of the material through reduced contamination and
<br /> yields more efficient recycling.In addition to the glass collected
<br /> The County operates a yard waste (or "green waste") from residents,a large quantity of the glass is collected through
<br /> management program that consists of WRCs and drop-off this program comes from nearby restaurants and bars.
<br /> collection points. For larger loads of yard waste, there is a Orange County is in partnership with Alamance County and
<br /> drop-off location at the landfill on Eubanks Road.Materials are Durham County for the glass recycling program. Alamance
<br /> self-hauled by residents or delivered by commercial haulers.A and Durham bring their glass to the Orange County Glass
<br /> total of 8,714 tons of green waste was accepted in 2020-2021. Consolidation Area,where it is weighed, aggregated and then
<br /> Further details regarding the mulch collection,processing,and sent to Strategic Materials in Wilson,NC.S
<br /> sale of finished mulch products are included in Appendix A.
<br /> 4.5 1 Food Waste 4.7 1 Special Wastes
<br /> Special Waste includes materials collected at the WRCs
<br /> Residential food waste is accepted at both County-operated distinct from Household Hazardous Waste and includes used
<br /> and County-supported drop-off centers, such as the Carrboro motor oil, used oil filters, used antifreeze, lead-acid and dry
<br /> Farmer's Market, Chapel Hill Farmer's Market, Hillsborough cell batteries, fluorescent bulbs/lights containing mercury,
<br /> Farmer's Market, and the Eubanks Road and Walnut Grove propane tanks, and used cooking oil/waste vegetable oil.
<br /> Church WRCs.Food waste collection is available to a portion of Total amounts of special wastes collected are available in
<br /> the restaurant,food preparation,supermarket,and other pre- Appendix A.
<br /> and post-consumer approved commercial locations that meet
<br /> a County-established minimum monthly generated threshold 4.7.1 Tires
<br /> and can adhere to quality requirements and accessibility.Food Tires collected at WRCs are picked up based on an agreement
<br /> waste dropped off and managed at County centers is collected with New River Tire Recycling,LLC,in Surry County.The term of
<br /> under contract by Brooks Contractor, a private composting the agreement is May 1, 2017,through April 30, 2022,with a
<br /> company with a compost facility in Chatham County. Further new,two-year extension ending April 30,2024. New River Tire
<br /> details regardingthe food waste collection,processing,and sale Recycling is required to provide all trailers and labor needed to
<br /> of finished compost are included in Appendix A. load the tires onto the trailers. However, the tires are loaded
<br /> onto trailers and then delivered by the County staff to the
<br /> 4.6 1 Glass company's facility in Pilot Mountain, NC, for processing. The
<br /> The County offers a separate glass recycling program called Glass processed tires are converted to tire-derived fuel,aggregate,or
<br /> mulch products. Plastic bags are collected at Orange County's
<br /> on the Side(GOTS).Glass recycling dumpsters are available at
<br /> all five (5) Waste and Recycling Centers and at all four(4) of WRCs and are collected for recycling by Harris Teeter,a regional
<br /> the 24-hour drop off sites.These dumpsters accept glass bottles chain of grocery stores.Interstate batteries collects car and dry
<br /> cell batteries.
<br /> and jars.The separated glass is then sent to a glass processor in
<br /> Wilson, INC,to be turned into new products, including bottles
<br /> and jars,fiberglass insulation, sand-blasting media, reflective
<br /> paint beads, and more. Keeping the glass separate improves
<br /> 'Website forStrategicMaterials,httgi&mmy.smi comL
<br /> Orange County,North Carolina
<br /> 12 ORANGE � Solid Waste Master Plan: The Road to Zero Waste
<br /> COUNTYC0IINT}' August 2023
<br />