Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 3.2 1 Population 3.3.2 Operations <br /> Demographics and The operating results for FY 2021 are presented in Appendix A. <br /> For FY 2021,the Solid Waste Landfill Fund had a net operating <br /> Projected Growth income of$118,146, including transfers to the General Fund <br /> As of the 2020 US census, the population of Orange County and the R&R Fund totaling $1.99 million. Each division ran a <br /> was 148,696 people—organized into 55,259 households and small surplus for the year except for Environmental Support, <br /> representing a population increase of 11% over the previous which had a small deficit that included transfers out of the <br /> census in 2010(see Table 1). enterprise fund. Without those transfers, that division would <br /> According to the North Carolina State Office of State Budget also have had a surplus. <br /> and Management,'Orange County's population is projected to Table 1-Population of orange County Townships(2020)' <br /> increase to approximately 170,000 between 2030 and 2040.The Municipality Population <br /> state population projections for the county,as displayed below, <br /> Bingham Township 6,972 <br /> provide population estimates through 2050 adjusted to the <br /> 2020 Census estimate.' Population growth impacts residential Cedar Grove Township 5,251 <br /> MSW generation. Chapel Hill Township 96,006 <br /> Town of Carrboro 21,295 <br /> 3.3 1 Finances <br /> Town of Chapel Hill 59,054 <br /> 3.3.1 Enterprise Fund Unincorporated 15,657 <br /> The activities and accounts of the Solid Waste Management <br /> Cheeks Township 11,050 <br /> Department are organized as an Enterprise Fund—the Solid <br /> Waste Landfill Fund.The Solid Waste Landfill Fund is one of two City of Mebane 3,171 <br /> enterprise funds(Major Proprietary Funds)established by the Unincorporated 7,879 <br /> County.The Solid Waste Landfill Fund is used to account for the Eno Township 8,437 <br /> revenues and expenses related to the provision of solid waste Hillsborough Township 17,373 <br /> and recycling activities for the citizens of Orange County. It is <br /> intended to be self-supporting through charges made to users Town of Hillsborough 9,660 <br /> of the Department's services.As an enterprise fund, the Solid Unincorporated 7,713 <br /> Waste Landfill Fund carries its own fund balances. Surpluses Little River Township 3,607 <br /> are transferred to the General Fund, and, if needed, deficits , <br /> are covered by the General Fund. For FY 2022, the County <br /> anticipates that the Solid Waste Landfill Fund will transfer a Table 2-Population Growth Estimates for Orange County' <br /> balance of over$3 million to the General Fund.14 Population <br /> 2030 163,718 <br /> North Carolina State Office of State Budget and Management.Projected Population 2035 171,201 <br /> of the State of North Carolina and Its Counties July 1,2021-July 1,2050.(February <br /> 2022).Retrieved from:https.//www.osbm.ncgov/media/1547/downlood.?attachment 2040 178,629 <br /> 3 North Carolina Employment Projections.(2019-2028).Retrieved from:https//files. <br /> ncgov/nccommerce/documents/Research-Publications/2028-Projections-Summary- 2045 186,004 <br /> Supplement-to-Press-Release 062821.pdf <br /> 2050 193,327 <br /> Orange County,North Carolina <br /> Solid Waste Master Plan:The Road to Zero Waste * R/JIIfGE ORANGE <br /> August 2023 COUNTY9 <br /> NORTHSOLID WASTE <br />